Thursday, April 7, 2011

Japan’s government, threatened with more HAARP attacks, pays 60 trillion yen to Feds

Japan’s government, threatened with more HAARP attacks, pays 60 trillion yen to Feds: "I heard Glenn Beck speak in a previous link and he referred to the “normalcy bias”. This is a term I have not heard before so I looked it up. NOW I UNDERSTAND why we cannot get our friends and family to wake up!
The normalcy bias refers to an extreme mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and also its possible effects. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation"

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