Mistress of the Revels 'man-in-the-middle' attacks
Mistress of the Revels
List (May 15, 2011), of Crown Agents’
Sisters who allegedly use pedophile extortionists and snuff-film patent pools to support 'man-in-the-middle' attacks on leaders with an M.O. of Matrix 5 communities (see Marcy below) and command, contract hit and spoliation crews that dates back to the 1629 foundation of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers:

Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell)[Revised June 04 2011: President and leader of National Academy of Public Administration `NAPA' in Washington, D.C. with recently appointed vice-president Lena Trudeau; allegedly delegated Tuvalu snuff-film .tv root authority from Privy Council in Britain to 8(a) Matrix 5 community organizers for use in pedophile entrapment, sexual extortion and murder for hire; `BAFL.P' pronounced baffle-pee serves as a mnemonic for Marcy's Matrix 5 communities of 1. Bankers SBA 8(a) companies provided with credit-default bordereaux for 911 attack by inter alia, Bombardier Master Trust, HSBC and Ariane de Rothschild); 2. Anglophone U.S. Senior Executive Service 1979; 3. Francophone Femme Comp Inc C4 1979; 4. Lesbians control LGBT community through DOJ Pride 1994; 5. Pedophile Control of US Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System 1995 through Lear Jet on-scene command set up by Bombardier's homicidal EW pilot, Russell Williams; In 1969, the pedophile Kray Twins received a life sentence for murder and Marcy allegedly became a `sextortionist' aide to Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Frank Carlucci in Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.'s Office of Economic Opportunity; allegedly extorted Dr. David Finkleman (Onion Router relay messages on 911 via ALPA pilots to al-Qaeda gyroscopes); allegedly extorted stand down of U.S. Air Force on 9/11 by faking Entrust authority of Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander in Chief, NORAD and Commander USNORTHCOM in Cheyenne Mountain; allegedly extorted Lynn McNulty (Encryption Committee of the President's Export Council, 1999-2001); allegedly extorted Rear Admiral Gordon Pich� (former Director of Personnel management for Coast Guard); allegedly extorted Robert Mueller (Director FBI); allegedly extorted Bruce McConnell (former White House Onion Router and currently PKI Czar) and allegedly extorted Robert Hanssen (former FBI counter-intelligence chief); in 1979, Marcy founded U.S. Senior Executive Service with pedophile information technologists at Femme Comp Inc C4; we have evidence of her ongoing [wo]man-in-the-middle extortion of top officials in FBI, ICE USIS, DNS, ICE and Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) etc; we have evidence of her organizing theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for Sret du Qubec and Francophonie 9/11; evidence she is a psychopath from her recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; evidence of pedophile trade and Tuvalu snuff-film .tv joint venture between her associates in the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and Krayleigh Enterprises; evidence of her use of SBA 8(a) military-industrial patent pool devices including Unabombs, QRS11 gyroscopes, Smacsonic and Onion Router at Waco, Murrah Building and 9/11 crime scenes; evidence she auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs with patented-device liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; evidence she launched LGBT and pedophile extortion of Justice through DOJ Pride; evidence she exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC before initiating bombs; evidence she executed Timothy McVeigh as a decoy patsy; evidence she used .tv snuff films to blackmail Office of Personnel Management custodians to prevent release of `paperclip' passport files which would otherwise show Obama's status as CUKC alien and a victim of pedophile grooming (?) by Frank Marshall Davis and his grandparents; evidence she forced U.S. patent office to re-assign liquidation rights in patent pool devices including .tv encryption to Crown Agents' Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers]"

Samantha Cameron (nee ‘Snowy’ Sheffield) [Wife of former Jardine Fleming and Jardine Matheson’s David ‘Shipjumper’ Cameron; daughter of Viscountess Astor; evidence of a pedophile ‘Mistress of the Revels’ role with Cameron in the ‘90s as did her mother in Astor-Club London of the ‘60s with the Kray Twins and her ancestor Nell Gwynn in the court of King Charles II; organizer of Krayleigh-style pedophile and opium-trading raves for the likes of Tricky’s Massive Attack and Cameron’s Bullingdon Boys; City & Guilds’ Camberwell College of Arts; alleged procurer of Smythson leather & skin passport covers and snuff-film travel accessories allegedly used in Krayleigh pedophile patent pools by parent company Menzies Aviation and Newspaper Distribution; Spectacle Makers’ film of Princess Di’s Boston Brakes and 9/11; Reuters pump and dump in British Invisibles supply chains]

Annabel Lucy Veronica Astor, Viscountess Astor (nee 1948 Jones) [CEO of OKA Direct, a home furnishings design company; former owner and designer of Annabel Jones jewellery business in London; mother of wife of British Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader David Cameron, Samantha Sheffield; she is daughter of Timothy Angus Jones and his wife Patricia David "Pandora" Clifford; her mother married secondly in 1961 to Michael Astor, habitué of the Astor Club alleged used by the Kray Twins to take control of the Metropolitan Police and House of Lords through a pedophile protection racket; Astor’s are considered to be the most powerful of the thirteen families or bloodline groups heading up the World Government plan; Astor’s allegedly portrayed as one of the 13 stars on the SES flag; individuals from the 13 families are mentioned in Dope Inc. [Crown Agents] as involved in some aspect of the drug trade: the Astor's, Bundy's, DuPont's, Freeman's, Kennedy’s, Li’s, Rockefellers, Rothschild's, and Russell's; other families also play key roles in the drug trade such as the Bronfman's, Cabot's, Shaw's, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and Oppenheimer's; Viscountess Astor paternal grandparents were Sir Roderick Jones, the Chairman of Reuters, and the novelist Enid Bagnold; Her mother Pandora Clifford was the daughter of the Hon. Sir Bede Edmund Hugh Clifford (son of William Hugh Clifford 10th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh, a descendant of King Charles II of England) by his wife Alice Devin Gundry]

Hillary Clinton (nee Rodham)[Takes a village to raise a child; pedophile sexual entrapment and extortion of a Rhodes Scholar and POTUS man-in-the-middle, Bill Clinton; sexual extortion of Joseph Giroir Jr. (former boss at Rose Law Firm), John Huang (former Commerce Department), John Riady (family partly owns Indonesia’s Lippo Group) and various directors of Tyson Foods Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and BEI Technologies, Inc; as a patent lawyer, she assigned BEI micromachined GyroChip sensor selected by Honeywell and Boeing for use in a modification of the rudder system of the current model Boeing 737 airplane; Inertial Sensors use in Aircraft Flight Control, Helicopter Flight Control, Missile and Projectile Guidance, Unattended Guided Vehicle Navigation for Commercial and Military markets; Linear Accelerometers and Angular Rotation Sensors provide guidance and control capability for everything from missiles to commercial light and heavy aircraft; Junior Senator from (disbanded)
[allegedly to create the core team for the 9/11 attack] New York with Onion Router license to kill shared with Sarah Ferguson at their meeting the night before 9/11; Raid on Ron Brown’s office with T-Force and FBI’s Robert Hanssen to get continuity of government and encryption codes for D2 Banking and 9/11; Crown Agents’ USAID-SBA liquidations; ancestors associated with Oddfellows three-link binder of patents for contract killing; her 9/11 Modus Operandi used by Crown Agents in 1836 arson at U.S. Patent Office to covert U.S. patents to City of London livery companies]

Lynne Ann Cheney (nee Vincent) [PEOC on 9/11 where she disrupted communications between U.S. Vice-President Cheney and U.S. President George Bush; custodian of Lockheed Martin and Access Graphics patent pools used from 1994 to 9/11; her Sisters novel portrays rape and depictions of lesbian sex]

Sarah, Duchess of York (nee Sarah Margaret Ferguson – Fergie)[SARAH FERGUSON, LOST OFFICES IN WTC .. Howard Lutnick from Cantor Fitzgerald gave her office in New York on the 101st floor. Andrew flew to the US on 9/11 .. Fergie appointment .. for her Chances For Children charity with office in the World Trade Center KING: The famous doll story, too. They found the doll in the street. FERGUSON: Well, you know, the fact that she survived said to me that Little Red -- how is it that my doll, for Chances For Children, she's a symbol of the charity. KING: There's the famous picture of the fireman finding her. Did you think that was an omen? FERGUSON: I did, Larry. You know, a lot of people would say, sure, you know, but I do, I really believe that it said to me, and I get Chances For Children up and running and get on an do more work and make sure you can give children a right to a healthy life” .. 1993, the Duchess founded Children in Crisis based in London with two current trustees: Grahame Harding and Paul Szkiler .. grown to help over 250,000 children annually in 10 countries around the world 2004 .. named official spokesperson of SOS Children's Villages - USA 2006 .. established The Sarah Ferguson Foundation based in Toronto .. serve
[exploit and extort] children and families in dire need .. China, Japan, Poland, Mexico, and cities across the United States .. filmed offering access to Prince Andrew for £500,000 .. heard to say "£500,000 when you can, to me, open doors" .. She is seen taking away a briefcase containing $40,000 (US) in cash” .. “The Prince Andrew, Duke of York (born 19 February 1960), second son third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip ... The Special Representative for International Trade and Investment for United Kingdom at trade fairs the world over .. took over from HRH The Duke of Kent in this role in 2001 .. 1979 Royal Naval College Flight.. signed on for 12 years from 11 May 1979 .. 1980 took the Royal Marines Green Beret commando course .. Invincible serve as a Sea King helicopter co-pilot .. anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface warfare, Exocet missile decoy, casualty evacuation, transport, and search and air rescue .. brief assignments to HMS Illustrious, RNAS Culdrose, and Joint Services School of Intelligence .. flight commander and pilot of the Lynx HAS3 on HMS Campbeltown from 1989 to 1991 .. flagship of NATO force in the North Atlantic from 1990 to 1991 former Senior Pilot of 815 Naval Air Squadron .. finish his naval career at the British Ministry of Defence until 2001, as officer of the Diplomatic Directorate of the Naval Staff .. On 19 February 2010 promoted to Rear Admiral ..
Colonel-in-Chief of the Canadian Airborne Regiment (disbanded) [allegedly to create the core team for the 9/11 attack] .. Honorary Air Commodore of the Royal Air Force Lossiemouth; Personal Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty The Queen; 1993-1999: Lieutenant-Commander, Captain, HMS Cottesmore; Senior Pilot, 815 NAS at RNAS Portland; Directorate of Naval Operations, British Ministry of Defence; 1999-2005: Commander, Diplomacy Section of the Naval Staff .. As the United Kingdom's special trade representative, Prince Andrew frequently travels the world to promote British businesses .. revealed in the United States diplomatic cables leak
[via Julian Assange Onion Router and pedophile network] Prince Andrew .. discussing bribery in Kyrgystan and the investigation into the Al-Yamamah arms deal and alleged kickbacks a senior Saudi royal had received in exchange for the multi-year, lucrative BAE Systems contract to provide equipment and training to Saudi security forces .. Prince Andrew also tours Canada to frequently undertake duties related to his military role there. Rick Peters, the former Commanding Officer of the Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada stated: "[Prince Andrew]'s very well informed on Canadian military methods” ... Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights]

Mary Harron [Born in Ontario, Canada, in a film and theatre family; St Anne's College, Oxford University; dated Tony Blair; moved to NYC into 1970s punk scene; first interview of Sex Pistols; 1980s drama critic for The Observer in London; executive producer The Weather Underground, directed TV episodes of Oz, Six Feet Under, Homicide: Life on the Street, The L Word and Big Love; currently developing film based on book Please Kill Me which details the 1970s New York punk scene; first movie, I Shot Andy Warhol 1996, story of Valerie Solanas who shot Andy Warhol and wrote SCUM Manifesto, a book detailing her ideas for ridding the world of men; second movie, American Psycho 2000 graphic descriptions of torture and murder by Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale), wealthy broker working at the fictional mergers and acquisitions firm Pierce & Pierce; The Notorious Bettie Page 2005, about 1950s pinup model a cult icon of sexuality who popularizes pornography]
Theresa Emerson (nee Yeuk-Si Tang) [Husband is David Emerson, former Canadian foreign minister; "son-in-law of China"; he was director of MDA, the co-developer with SBA 8(a)’s Femme Comp Inc of the Onion Router for MCOINIII attacks on Allied naval ships and Final Approach to attack aircraft and co-developer with Countrywide of MindBox debt recovery software used through D2 Banking 9/11, Fannie Mae and BP-Deepwater Horizon bordereaux insurance frauds]
Linda Wright (nee Pickton) [former Kerrisdale realtor mortgage bordereau on Piggy's Palace Burns Road site; brothers served as sextorted men in the middle; allegedly used Burnaby AirPatrol / ADT security network to track killers and victims and transmit snuff film content from FC-KU crime scenes (Femme Comp Inc on Ku band)]

Vicky Huhne or Pryce (nee 1952) [Possibly illegitimate Greek-born daughter of Prince Philip, Patron of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators and an unknown, underage mother; Master of Worshipful Company of Management Consultants; UK Government Economic Service; LSE Fabian; KPMG 'abusive' tax shelters and credit-default swaps in City & Guilds supply chains, driven by KGEN lesbians through D2 Banking at Canary Wharf; tScheme / DEADF007 authorities for Jardine Fleming Auld Alliance families; Company Voluntary Arrangements with "bordereau" insurance cover for liquidation of extorted borrowers, Exxon Valdez, Military Bank, Williams & Glyn's Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Department for Trade and Industry, FTI; cuckolded by Chris Huhne Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change for the bisexual Carina Trimingham; reviewer of Internet Watch Foundation dual-use child pornography monitoring and Onion router distribution service]

Miriam Clegg [Partner and head of international trade practice for multi-national law firm DLA Piper; Left Foreign Office in 2006 as expert Middle East peace process and UN Oil-for-Food arbitrage under Robin Cook who was allegedly murdered 6 August 2005; Cook was Lord President of the Privy Council 8 June 2001 to 18 March 2003; job now held by Nick Clegg; she’s cool at husband’s "no more than 30 "sexual encounters” and serves as a man-in-the-middle Spanish citizen to extort him; he studied for a year 1990 the genocidal Deep Green child-killing movement at University of Minnesota; he interned in New York under homesexual entrapment expert Christopher Hitchens; he moved to Brussels into G24 co-ordination of airline supply chains to former Soviet Union and Transport Corridor for Europe, the Caucasus and Asia; he took a second master's degree at the College of Europe in Bruges when he and his wife, Miriam González Durántez appear to have been targeted for Dutroux pedophile entrapment; his great-great aunt Moura Budberg was mistress of Sir R. H. Bruce Lockhart, a double-agent for both the Soviet Union and British intelligence serving at least two Odd Fellows, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who decided to nuke Hiroshima]

Baroness Sue Garden (nee Button) [Wife of late 9/11 war-game maestro Tim Garden; he was Director of Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, London; from mid 1998, he undertook projects for the British Government [Crown Agents], the US Department of Defense and NATO; he was Visiting Professor at the Centre for Defence Studies at King's College London from 2000, engaged in research projects on improving European defence capabilities, Defence Diplomacy, interoperability for NATO forces and counter-terrorism; he was military advisor on BBC television series Crisis Command and his publications include: Can Deterrence Last? and The Technology Trap; he gave [allegeldy false] evidence to Defence Committee on the new threats after 11 September 2001; she set up Financial Services Group of Livery Companies; House of Lords EU sub-committee for Home affairs report on cyber attack; Volunteer Citizens' Advice Bureaux, welfare counsellor, military caseworker; 1988 - 2000, advisory until 2008 in City & Guilds vocational qualifications for Oddfellow Security Professionals and other illegally-bonded (?) users of Onion Router encryption; member World Traders' Livery Company since 2000, Master 2008-09, spokesperson in Lords for Children, Schools and Families]

Cherie Blair (nee Booth) [Her MitM husband Tony Blair placed lesbian onion ring in GCHQ in 1997 to monitor pedophile trade; Oracle-LSE For You, Matrix Terrorists, Law of the European Union, European Convention on Human Rights]

Jamie Gorelick [Oracle-Fannie Mae, David Emerson, MindBox, DOJ Pride, Vince Foster, Waco, Promis, 9/11 Onion Router Wall, Schlumberger, Transocean, BP Cancelled Cement Job, Sabotage]

Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley [First Master Worshipful Company of Information Technologists; funded City base to the tune of £5 million; alleged sponsor of DK Matai and D2 Banking digital data archives of pedophile snuff films; head of Shirley Trust; patron of think-tank Tomorrow’s Company; radical feminist; born 1933 during the last (?) year of Lustmord and hyperinflation in Weimar Republic allegedly orchestrated by Crown Agents; parents sold (?) five-year-old as unaccompanied refugee, vulnerable to pedophile abuse to England; researcher at Post Office in Dollis Hill, London; resigned from ICL; launched Flexible Information (FI) for women at home]

Cressida Dick (nee Dick) [Sextortion of police with LGBT groups; Entrapment Bullingdon Club, Oxford; Metropolitan Police; Metronet and Sohonet integration; Airwave, TETRA; My Range; Walled Garden radios; man-in-the-middle crime scene of threats to life, contracts to kill, kidnap, hostage, organised drug dealing; other criminal networks, gun supply, shootings and gun crime homicide; Specialist Operations surveillance of Ministers, VIP's and Royal Family; opportunity to use Boston Brakes in alleged 1997 assassination of Princess Diana; Common Purpose extortion of leaders]

Eliza Manningham-Buller [Oracle-MI5-CIA, Airwave; Money laundered with Net1, CRYPTOCard and Entrust technologies; Amec-Spie TETRA, Serco, Promis, K-Branch, IRA, Pan Am 103, NetJets 9/12, 7/7, RAF Brize Norton, Rendition, Waterboarding, Daughter Reginald Manningham-Buller of Bodkin's Dope Inc. case]

Paule Gauthier [Chair of SIRC 1996-2005 through the development of CANARIE and alleged use of Piggy's Palace as Crown-registered charity for sexual extortion of top officials]
France Desmarais (nee Chrétien) [Daughter former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien. Husband Andre Desmarais; Special Assistant, Minister of Justice of Canada; Power Financial Corp; Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A.; Great-West Lifeco Inc. and Great-West Life Assurance Company; Pargesa Holding S.A.; Bertelsmann AG; Seagram; Director of Bombardier Inc.-Metronet, until 2004; Vivendi; Canada China Business Council; Chief Executive's Council of International Advisers of The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; CITIC International Advisory Council; Canadian Executive, United States Executive, Canadian Investment and Credit, United States Investment and Credit and Corporate Management Committees]

Michelle Obama (nee Robinson) [Oracle- AT&T CIA Henry Bienen, Princeton, Sidley Austin, Union Carbide Bhopal]

Bernardine Dohrn [Oracle-Northwestern University, Unabomb, Weather Underground, Rwanda Genocide, Torture Paradigms and Practice]

Charlotte Bryan [Oracle-Serco FAA Contract Towers FC-KU crime scenes of 9/11]
Lucy Adams [Director/sponsor of LGBT quotas and 'Diversity Dividend' in Serco and BBC; Women in London's Economy conference; Government must provide incentives and penalties for procurers to commit to diversity; Ascension Island transmission towers used to broadcast snuff films on 9/11 and 7/7]

Alison Woodhams [BBC World Service COO since 2004; BBC Group Financial Controller 2001-04; used AT & T Istel and Net1 to reward special weapons and tactics and propaganda teams deployed through BBC World Service Ascension Island in 43 languages]

Nancy Pelosi (nee D'Alesandro) [Speaker U.S United States House Representatives; Appropriations and ^ Committees. Son Paul Pelosi Jr.; Cisco Urban Development for Metronet tracking of victims; NASA Ames Research Center, AirPatrol Corporation; Bank of America Securities, Bank of America; Countrywide MindBox loan-recovery bordereaux for contract hits on 9/11 et al and JP Morgan]

Anna Chapman (nee Kushchenko) [Sextortionist and organizer of sex tourism at Barclays (Banker for Rebekah SOS Children’s Villages), NetJets and Navigator Asset Management in the City of London and for various mortgage bordereaux brokers in New York; KIT-Fortis in Russia and Belgium; Pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government; deported to Russia July 8, 2010 in Russia-United States’ crony prisoner swap on Con Air and covert NetJets aircraft]

Mila Mulroney (nee Milica Pivnički) [On the Take, decade of crime, greed and corruption at 24 Sussex Drive; husband former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; opening ceremony Canada Square; shoe fetishist; Balkans War. Alleged sextortion of husband and Yves Fortier, his former boss at Ogilvy Renault, Oxford University Rhodes Scholar (1960), Security Council (October 1989); London Court of International Arbitration Development through the 9/11]

Julia Middleton (nee Morland) [Common Purpose; French lycee; Economics degree LSE. CP supporters; BBC business editor Robert Peston, Metropolitan Police Assistant Deputy Commissioner Cressida Dick and many TOPOFFS; Uses Civilia FRS8 exemption to launder money for members in central and local government, Houses of Parliament, police, military, legal profession, BBC, NHS, church, 8,500 quangos, education, social services, civil service, and regional development agencies; Founder DEMOS with Obama and Rockefeller Brothers Fund; $64 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project, Media Standards Trust with Salz of Rothschild), Good Governance Network, Impetus Trust, and Alfanar]

Anne Elizabeth Sikorski (nee Applebaum) [Husband Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, a Bullingdon 'Blood and Steal' Club member with David Cameron and Boris Johnson; supports Roman Polanski, snuff-film producer and pedophile rapist; Father is Harvey M. Applebaum, Covington and Burling partner with A-G Holder; Marshall Scholar, London School of Economics (1987); St Antony's College, Oxford; Warsaw, Poland 1988 for The Economist; former editor at The Spectator; Former columnist for Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph ergo spins for The Stationers]

Jana Clemmow (nee Bennett) [Husband owner of Juniper peer to peer media production company andOxford buddy of Blair. She linked to U.S. Discovery Communications; Director Vision BBC Fiction, Knowledge, Children's and Entertainment, in-house TV and multi-media content through BBC Vision Productions; claimed £4,862 in expenses for taxi fares in 3 months to make confidential calls "in private”]

Laura Liswood (nee Liswood) [Women and Power - Mechanisms to Advance Women's Leadership; SCREAM pay-per-view; Council of Women World Leaders, Managing Director, Global Leadership and Diversity for Goldman Sachs; Abacus extorts men to allow a woman President of the United States; former GM Pacific Northwest and TWA; Boston Consulting Group; author 'Serving Them Right’ and ‘ The Loudest Duck’; Seattle's Women's Commission; Seattle Woman; May's List; In 2000, three-year term on Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS); reserve police officer in Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department after 9/11]
Brenda Stewart [Senior V-P Net1; extorted (?) control of Dr. Belamant patents in COPAC (Chip Off-Line Pre-Authorized Card) and Net 1 universal electronic payment systems (or UEPS) for saboteurs, assassins and pedophiles based in unbanked or underdeveloped economies in South Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America]

Hanne Strong (nee Marstrand) [Maurice Strong; man-in-the-middle pass officer position in Identification Unit of the U.N. Security Section; CalTex job as front 1953-1954 for Mau Mau oath taking rituals; torture-film pedophile with Obama grandfather; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 1966-1970; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya 1973-1975; depopulationist death sentence for babies who exhale CO2!; ran Manitou Foundation near Baca Ranch for sexual entrapment and extortion of pedophile guests, forced later to pay genocidaires through Net 1 for the contract killing of families with children and heterosexual parents; Fellow of the Royal Society (U.K.) and Royal Society of Canada]
Winnie Mandela (nee Madikizela) [Sexual extortionist, pedophile and kidnapper; ex wife Nelson Mandela; used young men and children as personal bodyguards in Mandela United Football Club; rubber tyres filled with petrol, ignited as "necklaces”; used Net 1 (?) to pay killers of 14-year-old Stompie Seipei; 1983 ANC car bomb of military headquarters in Pretoria; 1988 BBC World Service propaganda rock concert Wembley Stadium; Harry Belafonte, Whitney Houston, Roberta Flack, Stevie Wonder; smuggled message from Mandela read out, watched by 72,000 spectators, 200 million viewers in 60 countries.

Franny Armstrong ( ), Spanner Films, indie pop group The Band of Holy Joy, McLibel; Drowned Out; Narmada Dam Project; 10:10 No Pressure snuff film of exploding kids; ‘We 'killed' five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change’ The Age of Stupid in New Orleans; Passion Pictures client of Sohonet showed special effects of UNDEX after Hurricane Katrina
Dame Julia Charity CleverdonDCVO, CBE [Late husband John Garnett, was director of the Industrial Society. She is Vice-PresidentBusiness in the Community; was Chief Executive from April 1992 – March 2008; sponsors Age of Stupid linkage of environmental impact, diversity, workplace practice and ethical operations in the wider marketplace; Teach First; National Council for Educational Excellence; Prime Minister's Talent and Enterprise Taskforce Advisory Group; 'In Kind Direct'; Helena Kennedy Bursary Scheme; World Wildlife Fund; former Director Industrial Society's Education and Inner City Division; industrial relations British Leyland]

Charlotte Beers [Uncle Ben's; J. Walter Thompson first female vice president in firm's 106-year history; Tatham-Laird & Kudner CEO; Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide Chairman and CEO (1992-1997); handed over to Shelly Lazarus; J. Walter Thompson Worldwide chairman; 2 October 2001 sworn in as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (at the US Department of State); assigned, amongst other things, to sell so-called War on Terrorism
[WTF?] to
[Stupid Men and Women in] public]
Shelly Lazarus [CEO and chairman of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide; branding for American Express, Dove, Ford, Kraft, Kodak and IBM; ‘I've always believed that a brand is a relationship. And like all good relationships, it is built on trust .. we established Neo@Ogilvy, our digital media, direct response and search marketing unit two years ago. Mobile marketing also has a lot of potential .. mobile devices have become the "third screen," and in some cases, the primary screen. We've formed digital innovation labs in five key markets around the world ... Gaming [event arbitrage and bordereau insurance fraud?] is another hot area in which our digital labs are innovating’]

Condoleezza Rice [66th United States Secretary of State; President Bush's National Security Advisor during first term; political science Stanford University Provost 1993 to 1999; chaired Millennium Challenge Corporation; Met CIA Director George Tenet July 10, 2001 in "emergency meeting" on impending al Qaeda attack; in PEOC with Lynne Cheney when Sisters disrupted 9/11 response by Dick Cheney and George Bush]
Heather Boyles [Director Partner Relations Internet2; Non-US networking initiatives; US federal research networks; US-based advanced regional networks; Oversaw Internet2 International Relations program from its first partnership in 1997 with Canada's CANARIE organization to over 45 partnerships today; Director of Policy and Special Projects at Federation of American Research Networks (FARNET); Master's Degree International Affairs: International Economic Policy, American University in Washington, DC and a Bachelor's Degree in International Studies and German from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Lily Safra (nee Watkins) [Daughter Wolf White Watkins, British railway engineer; At age 17 husband 1, Mario Cohen, an Argentine hosiery magnate; 1965 husband 2 Alfredo Monteverde, leader in the Brazilian household appliance distribution business after establishing Ponto Frio brand; suicided by two shots from a revolver in his bed; all his assets to her and his former banker, Edmond Safra cut off the rest of the family; 1972 husband 3, Samuel Bendahan; 1976 husband 4, Edmond Safra, founder Republic National Bank of New York
[and founder investor in Canary Wharf Group] who was killed in a fire that was determined to be arson security camera tapes from the night went missing; French examining judge claims trial "fixed in advance"; couple had no children together]
Joanne Ellis [Group General Counsel at Sohonet Limited London, United Kingdom; Motion Pictures and Film; tScheme encryption for FC-KU crime scene management; former Commercial / Legal Director at BT Global Services; former Senior Legal Counsel at 02 (Airwave) Telefonica; former General Counsel, EMEA at Hitachi Data Systems]

Jill Knesek [Chief Security Officer BT Global Services; responsible for all security matters globally including Strategy, Security Policy & Compliance, Physical Security, Information Security, Travel Security, Regulatory Compliance and Investigations; former Director of Reactive Operations for the Cable & Wireless Managed Security Services group; in 1998 joined FBI as a Special Agent in Computer Crime Squad in the Los Angeles field office; Kevin Mitnick co-case agent; Mafiaboy FBI case agent with Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Montreal, Canada; case agent for first FBI undercover operation that infiltrated the hacker community to support many criminal investigations in the U.S. and abroad and National Infrastructure and Protection Center (NIPC) during Kosovo bombings; CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional); CISM (Certified Information Security Manager). Office El Segundo, CA; routinely travels to London, New York and Washington DC area; monitored movement of Gareth Williams]
Darleen A. Druyun [Former Principal Deputy Undersecretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Boeing executive; Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; United States Air Force tanker contract fraud; plan to speed up payments by Air Force to McDonnell Douglas; guilty of inflating price of contract to favor her future employer and passing information on competing Airbus A330 MRTT bid (from EADS); nine months in jail for corruption; transported by Marcy’s ConAir; Boeing paid D2 Banking 8(a) investors $615 million fine for involvement including sale of QRS11 for nuclear weapons guidance; guilty in award initial Small Diameter Bomb contract to Boeing. Donald Rumsfeld
[former boss of Kristine Marcy in 1969] "what she did was acquire a great deal of authority and make a lot of decisions; very little adult supervision”]

Kristin Franceschi [Partner DLA Piper; January 1987 – Present (24+ years); Baltimore, Maryland Area; Industry Law Practice; issuers; credit enhancers, portfolio managers, and sponsors re public and private offerings of municipal and corporate debt securities; derivative transactions, including swap transactions integrated with municipal securities; incorporates hedging documentation into credit structure of the bond issue
[bordereaux receivables; IRS arbitrage rules to permit transactions that might not otherwise be possible]

Angelina Jolie (née Angelina Jolie Voight) [With SOS Children’s Villages named Nathalie Nozile as first Jolie Legal Fellow to protect Haiti’s vulnerable children; “Nathalie has .. unique perspective of growing up in an SOS Village .. returns to help strengthen Haitian judicial system .. a force…just wait and see”; father's side, Czechoslovak and German descent; mother's side French Canadian and Iroquois; eleven years old at Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute; at 14, dropped out of acting classes; dreamed of becoming a funeral director; black clothing, purple hair; moshed with live-in boyfriend; ‘punk kid with tattoos’; "I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, ritual of having cut myself and feeling the pain, maybe feeling alive, feeling some kind of release, it was somehow therapeutic to me”; estranged from father Voight who claims she has "serious mental problems"; trophy abductions of children from SOS orphanages; baby tattoos with heavy bruising show geographical coordinates detailing where her four children, three adopted, were plucked; Maddox (Cambodia); Zahara (Ethiopia); Shiloh (Namibia biological) and Pax Thien (Vietnam); ongoing corruption and extortion of Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR; est. December 14, 1950)]

Adrienne Clarkson (née Poy) [1999 appointment as Canadian governor general by Elizabeth II Queen of Canada until succeeded by Michaëlle Jean in 2005; evidence she used David Johnston – then a CAI Special Investor in Macdonald Dettwiler Associates and now the current Canadian Governor General – to develop patent pool devices for pedophile oath taking, snuff-film production and crime scene spoliation at the Pickton pig farm and during the events of 911; evidence of illegal bordereau or CDS swap agreements in MDA with Johnston; 1941 refugee from Hong Kong; CBC producer and broadcaster for CBC; promoted Ontario culture in France and other European countries; anti-monarchist; paternal grandfather emigrated in the late 19th century to Chiltern, Australia and operated a general store called Willie Ah Poy Fruitier and Confectioner; Poy's first son, William born in Victoria but later worked with his father for Canadian government in Hong Kong where he married Ethel Poy; two children: Neville born October 29, 1935, and Adrienne, born February 10, 1939; she hid in Hong Kong basements during Japanese invasion of the territory in 1941; Canadian government repatriated her father in 1942; post-graduate work in 1962, at the Sorbonne; 1963 married Stephen Clarkson a University of Toronto political science professor; three daughters: Kyra, born in 1969, and twins Blaise and Chloe, born in 1971; Chloe died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; Adrienne and Stephen divorced four years later, with Stephen being awarded full custody of the two surviving children, subsequently, Stephen's second wife, Christina McCall adopted the two girls, who eventually became estranged from their [pedophile?] mother for several decades; president and publisher of McClelland and Stewart; highly unpopular with employees; Clarkson accompanied to Rideau Hall by her long time partner, John Ralston Saul, a former assistant to national oil company Petro-Canada’s first Chair, the allegedly genocidal pedophile Maurice F. Strong; Saul travelled with guerrilla armies in North Africa and South East Asia countries where he allegedly used SOS Pedophile Villages as pedophile entrapment centers to extort silence; following September 11, 2001, Clarkson praised Operation Yellow Ribbon saying "communities across the country selflessly opened their homes and hearts to stranded air travelers” but, as Canadian Governor General at the time of 911, she must have authorized the use of Canadian patent pools, including PKI/Onion Router encryption devices, by Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates and SBA 8(a) companies to stage a simulated man-in-the-middle attack on the United States government!; she ramped up spending of Crown ‘Agents’ funds at Rideau Hall by 200%; 2003 budget estimated at CAD $41 million; in 2003; she made a 19 day circumpolar "northern identity" tour with visits to Russia, Finland, and Iceland [SOS Pedophile Villages?] in company of Colonel Russell Williams, an allegedly-pedophile leader of an ‘al-Qaeda’ SWAT team on 911 and Maurice Strong, an allegedly-pedophile leader of an SOS Children’s Villages SWAT team on 911]

Lady de Rothschild (nee Lynn Forester) [CEO of E.L. Rothschild, a holding company for the Economist business magazine which she uses to extort her third husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, into supporting man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks on the United States and its Sovereign Allies; daughter of John Kenneth Forester, president and owner of the General Aviation Company now Meridian in Teterboro, N.J.; Phi Beta Kappa Pomona College; Columbia Law School; Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland; 1980-1984 associate at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett law firm; 1984-1989 extorted telecommunications billionaire John Kluge to obtain position as Executive V-P for Development at Metromedia Inc; 60% interest in TPI Communications Inc, partly owned and financed by Motorola which she used to sabotage Motorola FDNY firefighter radios on 9/11; formed FirstMark Communications Inc in 1995; received first fixed wireless broadband licences for New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston which she allegedly used in fraudulent client-server swaps on 9/11; founded Luxembourg-based wireless broadband venture FirstMark Communications Europe in 1998; acquired fixed broadband licences for Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Finland and built a 20,000 km fiber network through-out continental Europe which she allegedly used in fraudulent client-server swaps and Sohonet post production of snuff film 9/11; allegedly extorted her fellow directors at FirstMark included Nathan Myhrvold of Microsoft, Washington D.C. power broker Vernon Jordan and Henry Kissinger; sold company in June 2000 in a $1 billion financing to raise funds for 911 client server swap; director Estée Lauder and The Economist Group; second husband, Andrew Stein a New York politician and son of a multi-millionaire businessman, Jerry Finklestein, was Manhattan Borough President at the time of their marriage; she allegedly forced Stein to arrange the sale of the WTC Twin Towers before 911 to camouflage the rigging of building with incendiary bombs by Amec (UK) and QinetiQ; introduced to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland; they married on November 30, 2000 in London and were invited by the 911 patent pool lawyer Hillary Clinton to spend their honeymoon at the White House; major fund raiser for Clinton’s 2008 Presidential bid; endorsed John McCain for President; attempting to set up a No Labels front organization to control a bicameral Congress with 8(a) Taser Chicks and sexual extortionists].

Ariane de Rothschild (nee Langner) [born 1965 in San Salvador; wife of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild; vice-president of Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA since 1999 where she allegedly directs mortgage-based extortion of worldwide SOS `Mothers' and pedophile alumni of SOS Children's Villages – including Algeria and El Salvador – through the Bombardier Fund of Funds; MBA from Pace University in New York; former broker at Société Générale in New York; extorted U.S. insurance group AIG, to enter the French and European markets; member of the Board of Directors of the private banks Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild in France and Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild in Switzerland; secret controller of Bombardier electronic warfare and GAPAN/ALPA patent pool contract hits with the Bombardier family, Bain Capital and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec; Ariane de Rothschild Fellows Program, in partnership with Columbia Business School, University of Cambridge and ESSEC is hiding the bogus bio of Obama; she runs Edmond de Rothschild Group among other wine properties in Bordeaux (Château Clarke, Chateau Malmaison, Château des Laurets), Spain (Vega Sicilia), South Africa and Argentina; manages Le Domaine du Mont d'Arbois, a luxury hotel complex in Megève; she leads a syndicated debt investment vehicle for a racketeering influenced and corrupt organization (RICO) of the PENSION COMMITTEE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL PENSION PLAN [where unwitting faculty were invested in the massacre of a group of apolitical women engineers by `une gang de féministes']; BANCO NOMINEES (I.O.M.) LIMITED, BANK OF BERMUDA (LUXEMBOURG), S.A., now called HSBC Security Services (Luxembourg) S.A., on behalf of Liberty Ermitage North American Absolute Fund Ltd., BANQUE PRIVEE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD EUROPE, CACEIS BANK LUXEMBOURG, as assignee of Banque Privee Edmond De Rothschild Europe/Isofin f/k/a Credit Agricole Investor Services Bank Luxembourg .. BASE FORCE, LTD., BOMBARDIER TRUST (CANADA), as agent of the administrators of the pension funds of Bombardier Inc. whose assets are collectively invested in the Bombardier Trust (Canada) (Foreign Assets) Fund

Dr. Elaine C. Kamarck (nee ?)[Alleged co-principal feminist for the pedophile extortion of U.S. Investigation Services clients – including Office of the Canadian Governor General and the Lord President of the Council – employees and Advisory Board members; a former Director of the National Performance Review; Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government {where Maurice Strong’s dissertation on the use of Mau Mau pedophile oath taking is archived}; came to Kennedy School in 1997 after a career in politics and government; 1980s, she was one of the founders of the New Democrat movement that helped elect Bill Clinton
[as an allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle] president; served in the White House from 1993 to 1997, where she created and managed the Clinton Administration's National Performance Review, also known as Reinventing Government
[which allegedly required the assassination of Vincent Foster and Ron Brown to procure the continuity of government protocols for Crown Agents Sisters’ 911]; has served as Director of Visions of Governance for the Twenty-First Century and as Faculty Advisor to the Innovations in American Government Awards Program at Kennedy School; in 2000, she took a leave of absence to work as Senior Policy Advisor to the presidential campaign of Al Gore {to prepare the media campaign for the Global Warming scam; she researches the role of the Internet in virtual deception, net-centric warfare; 21st-century government, in political campaigns, homeland defense, intelligence reorganization, and governmental reform and innovation; Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley; author of a wannabee ‘Rules for Radicals’ entitled "The End of Government As We Know It: Policy Implementation in the 21st Century"; author of "Primary Politics: How Presidential Candidates Have Shaped {Corrupted} the Modern Nominating System"; she has worked as a senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute and has written regular columns for Newsday and the Los Angeles Times]

Joanne O. Isham (nee?) [Alleged co-principal feminist for the pedophile extortion of U.S. Investigation Services clients – including Office of the Canadian Governor General and the Lord President of the Council – employees and Advisory Board members; as President of Isham Associates, she works with clients in the Defense and Intelligence sectors to develop strategies, identify high-value opportunities, address critical challenges and transform their business; former Senior Vice President for L-1 Identity Solutions—a market leader in identity management
[and alleged passport frauds]; from 2007-2008, she was Chief Operating Officer of High Performance Technologies, Inc. (HPTi) specializing in computational science; enterprise technology and planning; systems architecture and engineering; secure software development and knowledge discovery and visualization
[of 911 snuff films]; former Vice President / Deputy General Manager of Network Systems at BAE Systems, responsible for new mission focus within the Intelligence Community, Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security; prior to BAE Systems, she served as a member of the Senior Intelligence Service and a career officer at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); after the failure of an attempted coup d’etat on September 11, 2001 until her retirement in 2006, she served as Deputy Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; prior to that she served as Deputy Director for Science and Technology at the CIA, serving as the principal overseer of the CIA’s scientific and technical program with QinetiQ in clandestine technical activities and Agency research and development; former CIA’s Associate Deputy Director for Science and Technology and held other senior management positions in the CIA and other Intelligence Community organizations; former Director of Congressional Affairs for the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI); former Deputy Director of the Resource management Office of the Community Management Staff (CMS) and as CMS’ Director of Program Analysis; oversaw budget and resource issues spanning the entire Intelligence Community and integration with Bombardier Fund of Funds for 911 attack; spent a number of years on assignment to the National Reconnaissance Office as Director of Legislative Affairs; recipient of National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award, National Intelligence Medal of Achievement, CIA Distinguished Intelligence Medal, NGA Distinguished Intelligence Medal and DIA Director’s Awards; member of Senior Advisory Group for Director of National Intelligence; Board of Trustees for Analytic Services Inc.; Board of Directors for Applied Analysis, Incorporated; INSA and Open Geospatial Consortium; graduate of the University of Notre Dame]

Jalynn Hamilton Bennett (nee?) [A CAI Private Equity Group special investor with Canadian Governor General David Johnston and a former Bombardier director Pierre Lortie; allegedly organized a Master Trust with Equity of Canada for the development of a GAPAN/ALPA Bombardier electronic warfare capability to execute patented contract hits; uses Bombardier EW to co-ordinate the spoliation of crime scenes with her CAI colleagues and fellow CA Sisters; she allegedly helped to hire and promote pedophile extortionist and Bombardier EW pilot Russell Williams to execute WTC 1993, Vince Foster, Murrah Building, JonBenet Ramsey, USS Cole, 911, Space Shuttle Columbia, Air France Flight 447, and Beverley Eckert; she is President at Jalynn H. Bennett and Associates Ltd.; Director of Teck Resources Limited since 1989; prior to that she was associated for nearly 25 years with The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company; former Director at CIBC World Markets and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce since 1994; former director Teck Cominco Ltd., since April 27, 2005; former Independent Director engaged in pump-and-dump and patent-asset stripping of Nortel Networks Corp.; and Nortel Networks Limited since June 29, 2005; Director at Sears Canada Inc., CIBC, Hospital for Sick Kids Foundation, and the Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited; member of Advisory Board at Investeco Capital Corp; former Director at CanWest Media Inc., from 2000 to January 2005 and Canwest Global Communications Corp. from January 1998 to March 2005 where she liquidated the former media assets of the Hollinger Chain to abort any investigation by Conrad Black’s journalists into her role with David Johnston, Pierre Lortie and Russell Williams in the 911 attacks on America; former director Bombardier Inc., from 2002 to December 2004 where she allegedly conspired with co-Sister Ariane de Rothschild in integrating Equity of Canada with the co-investors in the Bombardier Master Trust; former director of Bank of Canada; past Chairman at the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board Investment Committee where she acquired control of Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates development of Entrust/PKI and Onion Router encryption for a 911 MitM attack; former Commissioner of the Ontario Securities Commission; former Member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants 2000 Toronto Stock Exchange Committee on Corporate Governance; Member of the National Advisory Board, Canada's Outstanding CEO of the Year, and a Member of the Trinity College Endowment Campaign Cabinet; Director of SickKids Foundation]”

Ronalee "Rona" Ambrose (nee ?) [Privy Councilor; former Minister of Public Works and Government Services; former Vice-Chair of the Treasury Board Cabinet committee where she allegedly integrated Equity of Canada with racketeering co-investors in the Bombardier Master Trust; former Minister of State for Status of Women Canada where she allegedly helped to promote Crown Agents Sisters and pedophiles into controlling positions; former Minister of Western Economic Diversification whose parliamentary secretary, Russ Hiebert, allegedly helped to procure the Bombardier EW technology at Abbotsford Airport for a surprise attack by Bombardier’s pedophile pilot and killer, Russell Williams, on Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics; Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada where it appear that hundreds of members have been set up for sexual extortion by the pedophile EW pilot and killer Russell Williams; former communication consultant and public policy consultant for the Alberta government; grew up both in Brazil and in Parkland County, Alberta; fluent English, Spanish, Portuguese, and intermediate French; "working women want to make their own choices, we don't need old white guys telling us what to do"; appointed Environment Minister in Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government where she refused to kill or proved herself incapable of killing Maurice Strong’s Kyoto scam]”

Samantha Power (nee SOS Children’s Villages breeding station?) [Special Assistant to President Barack Obama; after 2008 presidential election joined Department of State transition team and is therefore a co-sponsor with Kristine Marcy and Lena Trudeau of the NAPA Matrix 5 RICO community; runs Office of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights as Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs on the Staff of the National Security Council; Founding Executive Director and the Anna Lindh Professor of Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government; expert observer and alleged inciter of genocides, including Yugoslav Wars; former senior adviser to Obama until March 2008 when she resigned from his presidential campaign under controversy; alleged user of Privy Council Entrust PKI to bypass BHO and authorize illegal attack on Libya; born in Dublin, Ireland, and emigrated to the United States in 1979; graduated from Yale University; from 1993 to 1996 worked as a journalist, covering the Yugoslav wars; returned to the United States and attended Harvard Law School graduating in 1999; author of A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide; analyst of failure of governments and international community to collectively identify, recognize and then respond effectively to genocides ranging from the Armenian Genocide to the Rwandan Genocide; spent 2005–06 working in the office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama as a foreign policy fellow, where she directed Obama’s play in the Darfur conflict; in a March 6 interview with The Scotsman, she said: "We fucked up in Ohio. In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio's the only place they can win". "She is a monster, too — that is off the record — she is stooping to anything... if you are poor and she is telling you some story about how Obama is going to take your job away, maybe it will be more effective”; Power argues re genocides that "you don't get any extra credit for doing the right thing". "It's up to us" to change that calculus, she said. "My prescription," she said, "would be that the level of American and international engagement would ratchet up commensurate with the abuse on the ground’; she has allegedly uses the Marcy-Trudeau Matrix 5 communities to stimulate abuse and justify intervention.]

Valerie Bowman Jarrett (nee Bowman) [Senior advisor to Obama for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; former co-chairperson of Obama-Biden Transition Project and therefore co-sponsor with Kristine Marcy and Lena Trudeau of the NAPA Matrix 5 RICO community; born in Shiraz, Iran to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman; when she was five, the family moved to London for one year, returning to Chicago in 1963; her mother, Barbara T. Bowman was one of four child advocates that created the Erikson Institute to provide advanced knowledge in child development for teachers and other professionals working with young children; as a child she spoke Persian and French; married in 1983 to Dr. William Robert Jarrett, son of Chicago Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett a pedophile (?) buddy of Obama’s pedophile mentor, Frank Marshall Davis; former Deputy Corporation Counsel for Finance and Development working for Chicago Mayor Harold Washington; former Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard Daley during which time (1991) she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Barack Obama, away from Sidley Austin where they were mentored by terrorist boss Bernardine Dohrn; former Commissioner of Department of Planning and Development from 1992 through 1995; former Chair of the Chicago Transit Board from 1995 to 2005; former member of the board of Chicago Stock Exchange (2000–2007, as Chairman, 2004–2007); former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago Medical Center; former Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago; one of three Senior Advisors to President Obama; holds retitled position of Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, managing White House Office of Public Engagement, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Urban Affairs, and Chairs the White House Commission on Women and Girls, and White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic, and Youth Sport.]

Tessa Tennant (nee?) [First Chair, co-founder and now trustee of the $71 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project ‘CDP’ launched by Cherie Blair on December 4, 2000; Tessa Tennant is a Matrix 5 Community organizer for CDP special investors who allegedly use a CO2e dictator game developed by Stephen Harper, Robert Oxoby and Tom Flanagan at the University of Calgary to place members’ pension funds in fraudulent and extortionate catastrophe bonds; she allegedly set up a 911 cat bond with HSBC/D2 Banking to be triggered by the murder of CO2e founder Carlton Bartels in WTC#1 and the double-occurrence cat bond demolition of the Twin Towers; Tennant is Chair of The Ice Organisation Ltd, an environmental kickback program designed to bribe selected consumer and punish others; co-founder of UK's first equity investment fund for sustainable development in 1988; Trustee Chair of the Global Cool Foundation; first Chair and co-founder of The Association for Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Asia (ASrIA) based in Hong Kong and of the UK Social Investment Forum; former Board member of the Calvert Social Funds, Washington DC 1993-2009; served on environmental advisory panels for the UK Government and, The UN Environment Programme launched by the genocidal pedophile Maurice Strong in 1972, and HRH the Prince of Wales in an extorted partnership with DLA Piper; Fellow of the Schumacher Society].

Jane Fonda (nee Fonda) [Born 1937; a Vassar student who went to Paris for two years where she was allegedly recruited as a Crown Agents Sister to produce Matrix 5 tv propaganda; first phase was to become bilingual expert in sexual entrapment and extortion as in Barbarella with simulated (?) use of organ-like instrument that delivers pleasure in doses that could be lethal; daughter of Henry Fonda who began tracking JFK after WWII as prospective puppet president for Matrix 5; used images of violent group and lesbian sex to extort
Roger Vadim, her first man-in-the-middle husband (m. 1965); used images of sexual torture and snuff films to extort
Tom Hayden, her second man-in-the-middle husband (m. 1973), as agent-provocateur leader of Students for a Democratic Society and Weather Underground; used images of pedophile coat-hanger torture and snuff films to extort
Ted Turner, her third man-in-the-middle husband (m. 1991), into converting CNN into a Matrix 5 .tv propaganda machine; organized CNN's virtual news network to camouflage contract killing and genocides coordinated by Tuvalu root authorities and top officials in the British and the Canadian Privy Councils; divorced in 2001, allegedly after Ted Turner saw Dino's Hannibal brain-food film derived from pig-farm script and learned of the TOPOFF conspiracy with Kristine Marcy and Lena Trudeau for a live broadcast of al-Qaeda 911 snuff film on cnn.tv; Fonda had a principal role in The China Syndrome (1979), about a cover-up of an accident in a nuclear power plant; nominated for Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of an alcoholic murder suspect in the 1986 thriller The Morning After; Supporter of Huey Newton and the Black Panthers in the early 1970s, stating "Revolution is an act of love; we are the children of revolution, born to be rebels. It runs in our blood."; called the Black Panthers "our revolutionary vanguard", and said "we must support them with love, money, [Matrix 5] propaganda and risk."; leader of the feminist and radical lesbian movement since the 1970s; major patron of the VVAW with 1970 speech at Michigan State University "I would think that if you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become communists"; in North Vietnam, she was photographed seated on an anti-aircraft battery; she made ten radio broadcasts in which she denounced American political and military leaders as "war criminals"; visited American prisoners of war (POWs) and when cases of torture began to emerge among POWs returning to the United States, she called returning POWs "hypocrites and liars."; "These were not men who had been tortured. These were not men who had been starved. These were not men who had been brainwashed"; she stated the POWs were "military careerists and professional killers" who are "trying to make themselves look self-righteous, but they are war criminals according to the law."; she is the mentor to first ever all-
transsexual cast of The Vagina Monologues; In the days before the Swedish election on September 17, 2006, Fonda went to Sweden to support
Feministiskt initiativ in election campaign; she considers
patriarchy to be harmful to men as well as women; Fonda is a presumed Matrix 5 sponsor of Kristine Marcy's Femme Comp Inc and the ongoing attempt to kill heterosexual top officials wherever they are found to make room for a Matrix 5 NWO]"

Lena E. Trudeau (nee SOS Children's Villages breeding station?) [Revised June 07, 2011: Vice-President and co-leader of National Academy of Public Administration `NAPA' in Washington, D.C. with President Kristine Marcy; director of Collaboration Project; sponsor of web 2.0 to overthrow sovereign governments with Matrix 5 – a B.A.F.L.P matrix of community organizers under Obama fascist Open Government Initiative; hosted Web site on .tv to monitor public's reaction to sabotage, assassinations and deception under Open Government Directive; she chose OGD as an anagram of GOD; designer of OGD model for all federal agencies; built VeriSign .tv backdoor into DoD Public Key Enablement (PKE) for cross-certificate chaining with Entrust (FBCA) Common Policy Root Certification Authority (CA); built .tv with Entrust and VeriSign PKI to serve as cross-agency platform to convert elected patriarchal government into fascist community organization; allegedly used .tv to authorize snuff-film contract hits per Fort Hood, Gifford, Gunwalker and OBL; allegedly led NAPA insider-trading conspiracies with employee savings options plan (`ESOP') at U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of State and the National Park Service; allegedly used Entrust PKI to authorize sabotage of the BP/Deepwater Horizon project and trigger credit-default swaps and phony cat-bond claims through D2 Banking; sponsor of serial acts of political corruption after Grand Jury rights had been abolished in Canada in 1984 by Pierre Elliott Trudeau and thereby allow crony private equity groups such as CAI the usufruct of taxpayer-funded assets; pioneered use of Entrust PKI and Onion Router patents in Privy Council snuff film .tv and murder for hire; she brings over 15 years of consulting and management experience to the National Academy; former Vice President of Consulting Services for Ambit Group in federal marketplaces; former insider of Touchstone Consulting (now SRA, Inc.); former Marketing Manager, Nokia Enterprise Solutions; allegedly integrated Nokia PCD with Bombardier electronic warfare systems to support Matrix 5 attacks; extortionist consultant to Canadian Privy Councillors Prince Philip and the genocidal pedophile Maurice Strong who squeezed Ted Turner, Fonda's ex-husband and boss of CNN.tv for $1 billion to UN depopulation projects; alleged designer of top-official oath taking ceremonies for B.C. pig farm in `90s modeled on techniques used by M. Strong, Obama's grandfather and Mau Mau in `50s; allegedly implemented Entrust public key infrastructure to support the delegation of Privy Council authority to Bombardier EW pilot Russell Williams to produce snuff film of murder of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996 and initiate 911 attack on U.S. government; MBA Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario; Bachelor of Social Science in Political Science and Philosophy from University of Ottawa; co-principal with NAPA president Kristine Marcy in alleged racketeering-influenced and corrupt organization of Bombardier/Nokia in VeriSign and Entrust Matrix 5 .tv murder for hire]"
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