Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Illuminati Earthquake attack on Tokyo was deflected, England and the United States are the next target

Illuminati Earthquake attack on Tokyo was deflected, England and the United States are the next target: "The angel agrees with your analysis of the Earth quake. Your soul score has risen to 59, I think that means you are doing good inspite of everything bad that’s happening.
I deleted my website to get rid of the virus, and will put the text back in, so you can go to it again with no worries. I’m told the super wave from the middle of the galaxy is hitting Earth the last half of 2016 and it’s about a year long, so our ascension moment will probably be than. So get your soul checked and get it over 50 as the 4th density awaits you. http://icheckyoursoul.com/"


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