Friday, February 18, 2011

Bankrupt British Crown

The British Empire is bankrupt, their guise to save the Crown is by (fraud) derivative paperwork aka; modus for New World Order which requires subjugation to The Crown. Ask yourself why The Queen appeared before The U.N. for the first time and publicly admonished a member nation state to be quiet. This was to publicly show authority. The projected power for this task, is by London's banking cartel which is tied through-out nation states. It is truly all smoke and mirrors if nation states stand up and enact The Glass Steagall Act or versions thereof. It is all real for all practical purpose, if nation states succumb to this fraudulent tyranny of worthless paper, fear mongering by fraudulent climate data, H1N1 big pharma-which also centralizes a lot of cash, Islamic terrorism-which was also used in WWII against The jewish Nation, artificial palestine, street riot in Egypt to install more terrorists Muslim Brotherhood. Yes The Illuminati are the mechanics for chaos which allows the field for subjugation.
The ideology since The Crown's inception and to date is to entice by pain/pleasure ideology which requires subjugation to those who grant it. The Crown is The Monarchy, your loyalty is to them and not to individual freedom like The United States.
Communism, marxism, imperialism are all the same way of saying socialism, which is the construct of the British Crown to achieve taxation aka; exorbitant pilfering of the people in order to enrich themselves and to maintain control. They lost in 1776, but have never ever given up the fight.
They attempted to pilfer The United States, Pakistan, Argentina, India, Israel etc, but lost in all except Argentina. Study Argentina here on this site.
The Glass Steagall Act will not recognize debt by derivative paper and recently in Massachusetts the Supreme Court did not allow the banks to foreclose as they could not show proof of holding the original mortgage papers. The many trails of derivative papers hid the real (more paper work) monetary backing and had been fraudulently obscured. There was no real money backing the loans, which were given out in predatory fashion. It was all hidden by the endless trails of derivative worthless paper, THE HOUSING SCAM.
Contact all of your so called representatives and analyze them for fiscal responsibility. Insist that Barney Frank be removed and/or stop preventing The Glass Steagall from being Legislated.
Ask yourself, why Barney is not allowing an up down vote on saving our Nation from sending all our future wealth to the London Banking Cartel for their gambling losses ~ The Housing Bubble.
This is all an act of war by The British Crown but swept under the rug by MSM which is owned and operated by G.E. which is directed by The British Crown operatives the Illuminati/Soros/Rothschild etc. In fact, when the McCain/Cantwell Bill (another version of The Glass Steagall Act) was introduced - Britain contacted The U.S. Statehouse and stated this was as an act of war from The U.S. thus Barney tabled it.
The Glass Steagall must be reintroduced and this stupid notion of the Republicans cutting a few $Billion here and there, is merely another inept histrionic showing to the public that they are fighting back. Bullshit, its pure theater!

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