Wednesday, November 2, 2011


SaLuSa tells us that, as many of us have suspected, the current attempt to “repair” the world’s economies will fall short, but that will make for greater willingness to accept the new one presented by Earth allies. As we enter a (likely) chaotic period, and pas through it, he encourages us to “keep the vibrations as high as possible, focus on the Light, and let it be the basis of everything you do.” Also we can help others by remaining centered and free from fear. “Let others see that in reality there is nothing to be fearful about, and you will be helping to ground the Light upon the Earth.”

■The “quick fix” that many countries are trying to use to find their way out of trouble, will only be that with no long term solution. In fact they have no answers, which is why when our allies present them with our plan there will be little opposition.
■We had to wait until you reached a point of no return, so that it was clear to everyone that a new start was vital. That time has arrived and we are preparing ourselves in readiness to make the initial changes, that will get things moving for the better.
■…your attention is needed to keep the vibrations as high as possible. Focus on the Light and let it be the basis of everything you do.
■Your voices have long been heard, and at last you shall have positive signs that will leave you without any doubt as to where you are all heading.
■Enjoy [the new energy] and let others see that in reality there is nothing to be fearful about, and you will be helping to ground the Light upon the Earth.
■Mother Earth must have her say in matters because she must get moving for her own benefit. However, her actions will be not be excessive…
■Even in the chaos that comes and goes there is reason and it follows a plan as everything else does.
■We believe that the more you understand that your reality is an illusion created by you, and bears little resemblance to the higher dimensions from whence you originally came, the easier you will accept change.
■Abundance provides more than sufficient for everyone’s needs, and you are to move into it in the very near future.
■When you have reached a certain level of high vibration, you will automatically desire for all others as you would for yourself. Happiness, joy and satisfaction are about living in the Oneness that you are uplifting into now.
■We are all beautiful souls on a wondrous journey together sharing our experiences, and we see you as the beautiful souls of Light you really are.

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