Wednesday, November 2, 2011

If we pay attention, we will begin to notice the same actors over and over again in a plethora of roles that have been scripted and run on the mainstream and alternate medias in order to manage our perceptions.

Okay… If we pay attention, we will begin to notice the same actors over and over again in a plethora of roles that have been scripted and run on the mainstream and alternate medias in order to manage our perceptions.
From the Well Aware 1 guy… in this particular video he breaks down a bunch of actors. If you subscribe to his youtube channel, as i have, you just might begin to note these players yourself… i am. Make up your own mind, but it is worth looking into his stuff.
I made some notes on what is contained in this particular video… it get’s a little bland in the middle but picks up again at the end….
Tony Greenburg’s various roles:
- a freedom fighter
- Dave deRothschild
- a Hitler author
- Omar BinLadin (his wife Annie plays Omar’s wife)
- a Brave New Studios co-host
- Anwar Malaki
- Pepi Escobar
- Jaime Bartlet
- a Russia Today announcer
- and son of a bitch… Stuart Rhodes -Oath Keepers
Other actors exposed and the roles they play FOR US…
- Orly Taits
- Susan Lindau
- Sibel Edmonds -played by Annie Greenberg
- Bill Cooper is Maxwell Jordan with nose job + 40 lbs.
- and some others you have seen….
Last part of the video you might not want to miss…
- The Columbine School shooters… the supposedly dead kids… are the creators of South Park.
Here is the link to the video i referenced above….
Here is the link to the Well Aware 1’s web site…

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