Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Road to Roota (...or the Implementation of a New Gold Standard!)

Sometimes it's good to get back to where all this started on the Road to Roota. The following article was the basis for the entire Road to Roota theory. It goes back to January 2007....before all the market turmoil began. Even before most people knew what a derivative or a Mortgage Backed Security was.
It is very clear now that the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston release of "Wishes and Rainbows" and"The Road to Roota" on that cold New Years Day in 2007 was meant to be a "Wake Up Call" to all of us that were sleeping. (They even posted them with a large red exclamation point after them!)
For those who haven't read it for a while I present the Original Road to Roota article written for Bill Murphy's website (with updated links).
The Road to Roota (...or the Implementation of a New Gold Standard!)
January 2007 
By Bix Weir
Everything that has followed this article have come in line with the general thesis...that there are people within the US working to destroy the banking powers that have controlled our lives for over 100 years.  The US is ready to go back to our Constitution Gold and Silver standard...we are just waiting for the implosion of electronic and paper asset system...which is on the near horizon. Just look at the new $100 Bills!
The Hidden Meanings In The New $100 Bill
Can they make it more obvious?
For all you Private Road Members...THE INSIDER IS RIGHT!
SPECIAL REPORT: Confirmation From "The Insider"
We are very, very close!
...and as the Greatful Dead so eloquently put it...
"What a long strange trip it's been!"
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

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