Thursday, June 16, 2011

To President Turner and the Governors Association.To Governors Association, be advised on June 13th, you did not allow the Chief Trustee Lewis Hammond on the call. Any person who can represent Michigan is Mr. Lewis Hammond as our Chief Trustee.

[11:36:24 AM] Bonnie Hoyer: [11:35 AM] Bonnie Hoyer:

<<< I have been recieving numerous calls and emails about this, so I am putting public the email I have been sending in response:

By now you have probably have heard about the Courtade email. Below and attached is the response that went out to the governors.

I need to give you alittle backgroung on the old private matter in the last half of the Courtade resignation letter the Mr Courtade brought public since he has now send it nationwide with the appearance of attempting to slander Marilyn and Robert.

Marilyn and Robert are both veterans who served in the Navy.  Robert was a Navy Seal and worked in intelligence.  Mary had been involved in a horrible accident which resulted in a medical discharge and her suffering from PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder).  Most of the time it doesn't affect her.

Now to the incident that Mr. Courtade is referring to:  it occurred on May 19th, 2011 (5 days after Mr. Courtade had been voted out of office by the general assembly due to violation of his office by his own actions repeatly).  Marilyn had been under attack from the Senate, we had just been through an assembly meeting which Mr Courtade had hijacked and had caused so much disruption and stress that my heart murmur kicked in and it took a good week for me to recover to full strength with relaspe.  Mr. Courtade had caused some more stress on Marilyn, which I don't know the full details of and she can't recall all of the details herself since whatever he had said/did sent her into a full blown PTSD attack and she collapsed in their garage.  Robert came out of the house and found her. He was going to take Marilyn to the VA hospital in Ann Arbor which is 2 1/2 hours from their home, but she started to recover.  Robert, being ex Navy Seal and having his family attacked, confornted Mr. Courtade on the phone to set the ground rules, that Mr. Courtade is never to push Marilyn to that point again. Of course following the Rules for Radicals, Mr. Courtade is playing the victim again and saying his has no knowledge of reason why Robert so vocal with him.

Marilyn and Robert were keeping this a private matter and noone in the assembly knew of this incident until Mr. Courtade made it public last week. A committe from the assembly contacted Robert and Marilyn to find out their side of the incident. Mr. Courtade in my opinion has purposely committed slander and under common law can be brought to task on his actions.  As you and I have talked about before, we were all expecting attacks from the de facto, but it seems that we are under more attacks from people in our own assemblies that have their own agenda for their own benefit and not the desire to see us inhabit the de jure government unless they get their piece of the pie (money).

Also as you can see in the below letter from Michigan's State Admin, Mr. Courtade was on the Governor's call speaking for Michigan after he had resigned (which is a joke, he was voted out of office on the May 14th meeting, whole other story there, which is on video) and the Governor's Association would not let Lewis Hammond, who is now our Chief Trustee, on the call.  What is up with that? The Governors had recieved his letter of resignation before the Monday call, and they let still let Mr. Courtade on the call as representing Michigan?  There is something fishy here.

I hope this puts things into more context for you.


Michigan Official Business: You are here by notified of change:

To President Turner and the Governors Association.
Attached is official document annoucing James Courtade's replacement.

To Governors Association, be advised on June 13th, you did not allow the Chief Trustee Lewis Hammond on the call.
Any person who can represent Michigan is Mr. Lewis Hammond as our Chief Trustee.
It was reported to the leadership the acting Governor of Michigan can decide if the Lt. Governor can be on the call.
At the time of the call, Lewis Hammond was and is the Chief Trustee.
The individual who said they are representing Michigan was not qualified or allowed to represent Michigan and should be removed from your call list immediately. Should this incident occur again, Michigan will call a National Grand Jury to investigate the Governors Association actions.
There is no other representative from Michigan to be allowed on this call at this time other than Mr. Lewis Hammond.

Bob Hoyer
State Admin

-----Original Message-----
From: Empress simone []
Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2011 07:01 PM
To: Bob Hoyer @ Blue Water Houses, LLC,

Subject: Fwd: Chief Trustee Notice of Resignation

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Courtade
Date: Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 5:25 PM
Subject: Chief Trustee Notice of Resignation
To: Simone

Dear Assembly Member,

                The issue of my having been appointed Treasury Secretary came up at the last meeting in Perry and a proposal was taken to have a vote as to whether or not I should remain Chief Trustee until the election.  After the meeting I sent a letter to all Assembly members explaining that the election, authorized by the Operations Manual, pertained to Grand Jury officers only and has nothing to do with state or national officeholders.  In support, I included a letter of opinion from President Turner that concurred with my position.

I went on to explain that there was no lawful authority for an election of state or national offices.  Bob Hoyer responded with an email stating that as of the last meeting I am no longer Chief Trustee and, therefore, I have no authority to make such a decree.  I am curious as to how that happened.  Recall that the alleged reason for removing me from office is that by holding two offices I am in violation of the Michigan Covenant.  By the Michigan Covenant the only way to remove a Chief Trustee is the impeachment.

After sending the email I received a call from Marilyn Gilman.  She started the conversation stating, “James Courtade, I am disgusted with you.  How many conversations have you had with Tim Turner?”  Not wishing to engage in the conversation I said in a polite tone of voice, “Goodbye Marilyn”, and hung up the phone.  A minute later I received a call on my cell phone.  Again it was Marilyn.  My response was the same.  Both phones rang again, but I did not answer.  Two days later I received notice of a voicemail.  I retrieved it.  It was from Robert Gilman.  The following is a transcript of the message.  II still have the recording:

“Jim, you’re one sorry mother fucker and I pray to God that you fuckin burn in hell – you and all of your mother fucking little son of a bitches.  You hear me you piece of shit mother fucker?  And you better fucking never ever come into my god damn eyesight again.  You are a piece of shit.”

End of message.

To say that I was taken aback is an understatement.  I had never before been cursed by anyone.  When I joined the Assembly I believed it consisted of people who were as desirous as I to re-inhabit the Republic.  I expected that we would proceed in a godly manner, operating in one accord to make this dream a reality.  To my dismay I find this is not the case.

Gilman’s message is not only a curse, it is a threat.   Therefore, as long as Robert Gilman is a member of the Assembly I shall not attend a meeting.  This message burst my bubble and drained my enthusiasm.   Therefore, I am no longer interested in serving as your Chief Trustee.  Please accept this letter of immediate resignation.

I thank you for having given me the opportunity to occupy that position.



James Courtade

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