Thursday, June 16, 2011

(skype) from PTR forum - from BigSkyGuy (*)Posted Today, 09:35 AM I have a second hand contractor contact in Iraq who has some "confidential intel" in Baghdad (I hate that term). Anyway, while he was on the phone, he received two text messages from seperate sources and both said the RV will be announced between 5 pm and 7 pm EST, which is around midnight in Iraq.

(skype) from PTR forum - from BigSkyGuy
(*)Posted Today, 09:35 AM

I have a second hand contractor contact in Iraq who has some "confidential intel"
in Baghdad (I hate that term). Anyway, while he was on the phone, he
received two text messages from seperate sources and both said the RV
will be announced between 5 pm and 7 pm EST, which is around midnight
in Iraq.

I've heard from two sources today that Maliki has been the problem and
in a power struggle and offering ridiculous levels of resistance so he
doesn't lose his position. He was apparently given an ultimatum that
either he sign off and agree to the conditions or he will be forceably
removed and they will have to fill his position which could take a couple
weeks to a couple of months. So if it doesn't happen today, it may take a while.

From the information I just received it SOUNDS like they may
have forced Maliki's hand and IF the information is correct, then we should
look for the RV to be announced today between 5 pm - 7 pm EST today.
I'm cautiously and sceptically optimistic (Talk about an oxymoron!)

Hummm, now I understand how Dan and Tony feel about their intel sources.
I have no idea how to confirm this, but I know what I just heard with my own ears.
I don't know if the information is accurate, but it's what just happened
and the information came from Iraq from a live person who has been invested in
Dinars for three years and has been waiting just like you and me.
It didn't come from some post or article but from his insider sources who
have apparently been privy to minute by minute information.
It's now 10:20 am PCT where I am. So... guess we'll see folks!!!!!!

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