Thursday, April 21, 2011

I see tremendous frustration on your part because you know what you are doing to try and resolve much of the financial fraud. Yet, in your view many who post here are demanding for change, but you don’t see that they are participants for positive change. Do I get that part right?
I also see and understand the frustration of other posters here who are clamboring for details from you and they see that they are sorely missing to their understanding.
In particular, your statements that the Federal Reserve and the IRS will remain is infuriating to many, because we see that these two unconstitutional entities are largely responsible for much of the economic destruction.
Nowhere else do we see anyone advocating the continuation of the Fed and its collection arm the IRS, both of which most people believe are unconstitutional and should be abolished. The Federal Reserve surely plays an important role in the financial markets, so why can they not do the same but in a revised function with true oversight and control by Congress as was intended by our Founders?
The same goes for The Treasury and the IRS collection arm. Since many here have been presented with evidence that the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified and we were never supposed to be taxed on our labor, why would an unconstitutional entity remain unless their function is modified? I’m an advocate of the Fair Tax and the IRS could be massively downsized and then only collect sales tax revenue.
Therefore, what I believe others here want to know from you is the ‘why’ and in what capacity would government entities that are deemed unconstitutional remain as part of a restored government? What would be their duties? What vital functions would they perform that are needed? How would they be controlled?
Can you help clear some of this up? It sure would help me have a better understanding of where you are headed.

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