Thursday, April 21, 2011

…”Pay attention closely if you want to know how the dollar crisis will unfold over the next few weeks
The entire thing hinges on a single simple elegant point that not one in a million humans understands. I am able to let you in onthis for two reasons. One, nobody takes anything seriously here, so this is so far below the radar as to make no difference. Two, because events are going to unfold very, very quickly now and within the next few days anyone who could possibly give a shit will have their hands full with much more important fish to fry.
I am not warning you, or advising you, or anything. If you haven’t already realized what’s coming down the pike and made preparations, it’s already too late.
The crux of the matter is this: people are looking at the wrong signals, the wrong indicators, and completely facing the wrong way. Because of this, they will be blindsided, bitchslapped, and bamboozled. By the billions. It will become an iconic moment in economic history. In history history, too.
The deal is this: Everyone is waiting for a mass Chinese selloff, but they arent going to see one. Why not? Because they are going to learn something far more disturbing: the selloff has already happened.
Let me repeat that: The selloff has already happened.
How can this be? Here is what you don’t know. Immediately after the 2008 crisis, China told the US it was done fucking around, it had been patient throughout the idiot housing bubble and wars-on-borrowed-money, but they were finally pulling out. The whole Lehman crisis and general 2008 fiasco revealed a much deeper incompetence than the Chinese could ever have possibly imagined. They became more afraid of America’s stupidity and slackening grip on reality then they were of possible malice.
Washington begged, they pleaded, they even offered Taiwan, but in the end the Chinese could not be moved. They would allow one concession to global stability: Washington would be allowed to buy back it’s own bonds and debt, in secret, but not with any US currency, bonds, instruments, or promises. They’d had their fill of empty promises from America. Instead, they wanted real things. Military secrets. Oil ( a LOT more than you imagine based on the “pretend prices” we are still getting). Metals. Cotton. Uranium. Lots of different things.
The deal was hammered out in secret by Feb 2009 and all payments were made by April 2010. That’s right, the shit changed hands a year ago, it’s been a done deal for some time. So why doesn’t anyone know? Because, as a concession a badly-bungling US managed to wring out, the transaction would be allowed to remain a secret for exactly one year and one year only.
That year is now up. Today.
Today, China has about 2% of the US bonds and reserves the world thinks they have, and they have about 10 times as many valuable commodities and intellectual property as the world thinks they do, not to mention an endless litany of goodies ranging from a permanent back door to the NYSE computer system to rights of first review of all new findings at 200 US University science departments. And today it is no longer a secret.
Are we having fun yet?
The runup on metals and commodities and food over the last year is this secret leaking out around the edges. This week’s crazy action on the silver market is sign number one that the dams have already broken.
There is more… A lot more… For example, remember those mystery empty cities people have been scratching their heads over? They may be empty of people but they are chock full of valueable commodities. The stuff going on in Africa now is involved, and the Japan crisis has added a real wildcard to the game. Strap in, its going to be quite a ride…”
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