Thursday, April 21, 2011

T & Pal are more like an affirmation of “business as usual than anything else”
Pal says “call your Senator”
I would if I worked on J street and had envelopes of cash
T-man says ” just sit on the sidelines and watch ”
Great advice , sounds like bend over and kiss your ass, * duck and cover dude
T- Man Said this
. Don’t just do that daily blah, blah, blah attempting to sound smart.
… and OBH … pick your challenge with someone else … the Fed Res is here to stay, the IRS is here to stay, if we are successful then you will benefit … in your case, just sit on the sidelines and watch. By the time we are done we will have set the NWO back years, problem is even if your had a tall seat, you would be able to know it as you don’t have a lick worth of experience to understand it to begin with.
GS might be real but if these guys are the reps it smells to high heaven. If they are real why wasting time on this blog with insignificant slobs who ” Can’t do research.”
Tmans best quote:
Do yourself a favor and bow out of that conversation with me, you are starting out at a sever disadvantage when you open your mouth and deliver the first word.
If I could Summerize, our two “White Hats” reps are giving us all the advice to ” Sit Down And Shut Up”

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