Tuesday, March 29, 2011

[11:06:44 PM] hutz: Re: Comment by hopereturns on March 30, 2011 @ 11:30 am
>Any BC that is effectively a stock certificate is nullified by the
>fact that humans cannot be owned. No Act or law permit the nation
>leaders to hypothecate citizens.
Quite true… The law stipulates that a corporation cannot bring a charge against a living human also, so they have devised a way around that. Look up what a “straw man” is… They created a fictitious corporation in your name, and THAT is what they trade on the stock market, and use for all “legal” cases. Anytime you see your name referenced in all capital letters, it is referring to your straw man, not you.
The level they have stooped to in order to do what they have done to us is unbelievable.
>Slave trade was eradicated. This is a covert crime that is illegitimate
>and would not withstand trial even in an Admiralty Court. It would be
>very interesting to see such a a matter tried and most auspicious for
>the world to wake-up.
Yes, slavery was made illegal a long time ago, but if you do the research on it (was reading an article on that recently) you’ll find there are more slaves in the world today than there have ever been in the past.
But, what they are doing is not illegal, just extremely devious. They get you to willingly give your consent to do these things via adhesion contracts, most of the time you do not realize what you are agreeing to.
>Imagine the Western World discovering that they were traded as chattel
>from birth, thanks to the collusion of hospital administrators and global
>bankers. That they lost ownership of their own bodies.
Yes, which is why I keep emphasizing that the “defacto” issue is quite important.
>Please understand that the US is backed by a commodity–not gold but
>human labor. This is the collateral signed over to our lenders, China,
>IMF, City of London (Fed Reserve).
Exactly! That is how the USA has managed to build up such an incredible debt, by using “us” as collateral.
[11:08:50 PM] hutz: Re: Comment by getem on March 30, 2011 @ 11:20 am
>It seems my husband may have a number which can be looked up,
>although not sure if this is the correct number. It is called
>“registration number” at the bottom of the certificate. If it
>is, it appears he is worth aprox $363 million to them! Would
>that be correct?!!!!
Yes, that sounds about right. Since about 1933 they have been trading people on the stock market shortly after they are born. You have been around long enough to build up quite an equity, and if you do certain things (like court cases, etc.) your value goes up considerably.
>Whether birth certificates are different in Australia or not,
>I wouldn’t know.
Yes, that is the point I have been trying to make, the government in the USA is not “for the people anymore”, they are a corporation that is owned and operated by the IMF (a group of wealthy bankers). The same people that own the US Government are the same ones that own LOTS of governments around the world. So, that means they are using the exact same tactics in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc…
>Don’t ask me why the difference, I couldn’t say, but it has
>no registration number listed on it at all.
That is what I was telling Lew, the hospital will issue you a certificate, but it is not the “true certificate”. You will have to order a new “official” copy to get the one with the number.
>Are these monies they are collecting from us some of the fortune
>they have accumulated, and which will be released globally when
>this all comes down do you think?
that is the intention of many groups, to release the money that is “being held for them” to the owners. If the owners are deceased, it is supposed to go to their next of kin. I’m not holding my breath on that one though, because the banks are broke.
[11:10:50 PM] hutz: Re: Comment by lew3 on March 30, 2011 @ 9:58 am
>I checked my birth certificate and the was no cusip number.
>When did they start using them? I was born in 1937.
They started it a long-long time ago, but you won’t see it on your original birth certificate. You will have to order a new “official” copy of your birth certificate to see it. When it arrives, you’ll find it is printed on bond paper, the same stuff they use for stock certificates, and there will be a red number on the bottom of the page. Your SSN card also has a number on it for a similar purpose (cannot remember if it is the same number or not). That is the number of your bond, which you can use to look up your stock value to see how much you are worth and who owns you…
Now THAT is one of the big reasons why the “defacto” term is ultimately important, because that is what the Corporation has done to us. And, that is just the tip of the iceberg… There is much-much-much more to it… That is part of the training I do every week.
[11:11:48 PM] Rob Ruehle: ((y))
[11:12:04 PM] hutz: Re: Comment by pansy on March 30, 2011 @ 8:30 am
>I really resonate with what you said.
Good to hear… As the average LOC rises, I think we’ll start seeing more people start to resonate with that concept. It is a different level of being “awake”, just like I was talking to Suncrystal about earlier.
>This darn duality world. We couldn’t have duality if we
>didn’t choose sides…sounds like the basis of war, huh?
Extreme dualities cause faster spiritual growth. It is hard to go through it all, but well worth it becuase of the experiences it generates.
>I’ve often thought that all the statements on this blog about
>“us and them”, “good and evil”, “Christians, Jews, Muslims, new
>agers”, “democrats, republicans, constitutionalists, new repubic”
>…it’s all about choosing a side so we can fight a war. Is anyone
>else tired of fighting? Can’t we all just get along? I’m sure my
>comments will bring out the zealots telling me that “the other
>side will win and prevail if we don’t fight”. I say that’s just
>continuing the sad saga we all claim we want to be over. As my
>grandma would often say “Tsk, Tsk, Tsk”.
That is the state we need to get to, where we no longer see a need for war. I too have grown tired of the endless fighting with never a result. That is why I decided to back the Republic, because they were advocating a peaceful method of restoring a government that actually respects the people. They weren’t about fighting with the de-facto government, the plan is to simply ignore them and re-inhabit the old government and move on.
Re: Comment by pansy on March 30, 2011 @ 9:12 am
>EXACTLY…from the Nibiruan Council piece you posted…it says
>“So if we focus on who done it and why then get angry and upset,
>we’ve done nothing to alter the old pattern. Moreover, we’ve
>learned nothing as well.”
Well.. Yes and No… This is where it gets a bit confusing. It is the anger and outrage that allows us to grow spiritually, so it has it’s purpose. Each person on Earth at this time has a purpose for being here, and sometimes it involves violence. If you are involved in something that has a long of emotion, then you “must” see it through to it’s completion to finish your lesson. Failure to resolve the issue will only cause you to have to repeat that lesson again.
On the other hand, humanity as a whole has to learn to rise above using violence to resolve their issues. Earth is the third “Grand Experiment”, where they seal off the planet, impart forgetfullness of who they are onto the inhabitants, and let them duke it out in an attempt to integregrate their dark and light sides. The previous two experiments ended in failure. One of them actually blew their planet to smithereens with scalar weapons, and the other used scalar weapons on their Sun in attempt to attack their enemy, only to have their own planet rendered uninhabitable by the results.
This is where the timelines come in, as we are replaying those on this planet also. The other two times once the global information grid was born technology took off at a fast rate, but so did the disclosures. Once the people learned what was being done to them, they immediately took up arms and attacked their elites (sound familiar?), resulting in planetary destruction.
This is what we need to avoid at all costs, we need to resolve the issues without violence. If we can do that, we can move on and achieve ascension, bringing an end to the entire game. Also, on the other end of the scale, we shouldn’t buy into the “new age” mantra of just loving everything and living inside your head either. We HAVE TO participate in the 3D world, and we HAVE TO resolve these issues ourselves. If you are destined to stand up and lead a peaceful revolution, then that is what you must do. That is why I say the Whites Hats “need” to do what they are doing, and the Republic “needs” to do it what it is doing, they are all playing a role in this non-violent revolution that will ultimately allow us to achieve world peace.

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