Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Are you being paid by George Soros? Or are you just an example of his success?
You NEVER mention this most EVIL man who is funding communist organizations, promoting anarchy and trying to start a Civil War. Yet, you have an obsession with the Koch brothers and that smear job was funded by Soros to jack up people like you in an effort to discredit the ordinary citizens (the tea partiers that you sneer at)who just want to return to Constitutional government.
The ONLY reason they went after the Kochs is to try and discredit the TRUE GRASSROOTS movement. They (the Kochs) may help Americans for Prosperity, but that organization is only one of hundreds fighting our current government policies. THEY HAVE NOT FUNDED THE (ENTIRE) TEA PARTY MOVEMENT. Unlike the Soros funded organizations, most I’m involved with and aware of are true grassroots groups funded by the groups and individuals themselves. The ‘union fights’ are NOT true grassroots at all – they would be called the ‘astroturf’ Pelosi so famously claimed of the ‘tea partiers’. The Unions demand their members take part.
I used to eagerly read what you wrote (months ago) until you started on your mean-spirted, vitriolic tirades about the Kochs and the Unions. Frankly I’m sick of people like you who deride your fellow citizens and paint a broad, fraudulent picture and simply do not understand that the ordinary American – many of whom are conservatives (and tea partiers) – simply want to return to Constitutional government – just like most of us here. Yet, somehow we are painted as nazi lovers, rednecks, warmongers and just plain stupid. Yes, we support people like Gov. Scott Walker because we believe that most of the major unions are communist organizations promoting their utopian ‘collective’ society which is totally antithetical to individual rights as espoused in our Constitution. They will take us straight to an oppressive, communist society and that is their ultimate plan.
The unions have RUINED the public education system. The Communists have also done everything they can to keep minorities suppressed through the destruction of the family, promotion of abortion (genocide against blacks, in particular) the massive welfare system keeping them entitlement dependent upon the very people (mostly democrats) who oppress them.
It will take decades to undo the damage that’s been done to our society because the unions don’t give a damn about anything but POWER and they have admitted that fact.
Is that what you really want? You want to live under communism? Because the things you advocate are communist in ideology.
Soros has 86 people at Media Matters alone “assigned” to try and destroy Glenn Beck. Just one person. The man spends hundreds of millions trying to help overthrow the Government of the united States. He was tired of being in the limelight. At least the Koch brothers haven’t destroyed the currency of other countries like Soros has. They prefer smaller government – which, by the way is, is what our government was intended to be. (Now, I won’t dispute that they are influential, but no more than the Rocks, Roths, Gates, Immelt (GE), Schmidt (Google) and Soros and all the other evil players). By the way, ALL of these guys are democrats.
Yet, to read your obsessive and repeated posts both here and other sites, they are the most evil people to walk on American soil and that’s far from the truth and you know it. At least they are real Americans unlike Soros and our pretend prez and that crazy witch at Huffington Post. Why is it the people who aren’t Americans the ones who want to change it? They should just go back to their home countries.
I’m open-minded and conservative about most things – particularly about SMALL GOVERNMENT and little intrusion into my personal business. However, I’m a strong supporter of legalizing marijuana because it just goes against common sense for it to remain illegal. I’m going to fight with all my might for INDIVIDUALS to be respected by whatever organization they are assocated with.
I fully realize that fascism has crept into our system yet everything that Republicans do is NOT fascist. Yet, the vitriole you direct at everything Republicans do is just plain wrong. Aren’t you aware that the Tea Partiers – remember, the ones who simply want our Constitution honored – are also going after any Republican they feel is not doing what’s in our best interest? That’s why the tea partiers challenged and beat some establishment Republicans in primaries and intend to do that again in 2012.
You act as if none of the democrats are part of the Cabal. Hello … Rockefellers are all democrats.
The bottom line is that the vast majority of our government is criminal of all political stripes. They all want to oppress us, so I think you’ve made your point and I hope you’ll move on.
If you really want to help, you might first start by focusing on the biggest problems that ALL can agree upon. I believe we all can agree that the criminal cabal needs to be destroyed and that’s primarily through changing the control of the Federal Reserve and seeing that the global financial system is de-centralized.
In addition, I think we all also agree that we are against:
1. Chemtrails
2. Big Pharma’s genocide plan
3. Government Corruption at all levels of government
4. Patriot Act, Homeland Security and the TSA
5. Big business Monopolies. People have been bashing
Capitalism and that’s not the problem at all. It’s
the Monopolies and Government Regulations that pick and
choose winners – there should be NO corporate welfare.
For an amazing view of the more than 200 organizations directly or indirectly funded by George Soros.
The above is a pretty tall challenge. You can help with the harmony and positive approach on this site if you’ll stay focused and stop the personal bashing.

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