Tuesday, March 29, 2011

@ugmmichael, You wrote:
“Thank you Ben;
“The fact of the matter is that some very sophisticated but secret technology has been deployed to make sure the crisis remains localized.” These are Russian
sophisticated secret technology which have been deployed years ago to nullify the dark cabal attempt to cause global genocide. We, the people, are handling the ground
war in the field, quietly, behind the scenes.
The White Dragons are doing their part protecting the whistle blowers in power and confronting those threatening same. Also, they cover areas where we (the people)
find the cabal difficult to apprehend or destroy. If you know your part, do it quietly, like a ninja warrior.
The HAARP projects and personal are all located and marked. Believe me, when the time is right, I would not want to be in their shoes or in their area.
Have faith. Do your part. Don´t worry about things you can´t comprehend or handle.
Always in Truth, and Light.
I couldn’t have put it any better, your comment reflects my thoughts exactly. We must all do our part quietly if possible, or not, by using creative methods to
counteract the millenia old Aristocratic (from Aristotle, architect of this left brain, fear/greed based, commonsense hating, egotistical blueprint.) slave system.
I have been single handedly working on a project for the past two years, that will bring together the people of the world in solidarity against the PTB. I am not a university grad, neither did I have the funds to start my project, however, I do have the passion and determination to be free and see justice done. Our solution can only be implemented through something we have in common, and I decided to settle on the need for protection by all. We the innocent victims of this global slavery system have a need for protection or freedom from our slave masters and slave hunters alike. We the people are the only ones who can do this, our slave masters will never release us, as they themselves are under mind-control and also goes against their desires. The problems is also very complex as it deals on different levels or planes of manifestations, which includes the metaphysical/spiritual world.
To understand this quagmire of Satanic evil or negative energy, whichever way you want to put it, we only need to go as far back as Aristotle. Aristotle pulled a coup
d’etat, by simply denying the existence of the metaphysical world. Up until Aristotle, it was known by all the great philosophers, priests or metaphysicians, that this 3D holographic world was a manisfestation of the spiritual world. From living mind, comes energy, and then matter (Einstein’s theory of relativity without the third component, consciousness. In brief, he stole this info from Tesla, while working in the patent department in Europe, and Tesla was in turn taught by the Moors, black Africans who were decendants of the high priesthood and surving remnants of the conquered Egyptian kingdom, and using Islam as a cloak to spread this ancient science within Europe. Do bear in mind that I am sharing occult history here). The ancient Africans not only understood the laws of this science, but were masters who utilised this knowledge to create spiritually and technologically advanced and harmonious (balanced) societies. This included the rule of law without exception. But then came along this negative spiritual entity or artificial intelligence I would refer to as the ego.
The main obstacle we need to break through is the Ego, this is what controls the masses. We are spiritually or psychologically possesed by the ego, when we are birthed
into this 3D world. The ancient Africans referred to it by many different names, they recognised it as the evil one, and is today known as d evil, devil or Satan. I will not detract by going too deep into ancient history, as we have run out of time, and are currently existing on borrowed time.
Aristotle, a member of, or groomed by, the brotherhood/illuminati infiltrated Plato’s Academy with the purpose of corrupting Plato’s (and Socrates) works, and then later groomed Alexander the terrible (later changed to the Great in the 60s, by the rockefeller gang/institute) to invade the lands, sack the people and usurp all the ancient indigenious cultures from Persia to Egypt, with the sole purpose of appropriating the knowledge and science that had been possesed by these original people.
The Library of Alexadra, which contained a treasure of ancient knowledge, became Aristotle’s personal library for a while, and it was from here that Aristotle plagiarised the ancient works, which were then used to create the blueprint for what we call western civilization today. Aristotle was then portrayed and promoted as a genius, who produced all these many fine works that brought civilisation to our world, but was in actual fact an intellectual criminal working for the dark side.
Aristotle’s strategy was simple, he acknowledged the concept of substance, which he named matter. He then claimed that all existence was made up of matter, this lead
to the concept of scarce resources, from where we got economics, and arose a greed and fear dichotomy. He also used stolen African knowledge of the souless ones/counterfeit spirits, to justify slavery, by claiming that slavesmasters were born with souls and slaves without souls (this lie was implemented by the Vatican later, to justify the African slave trade, comprised mostly of the original Jews who had escaped the great massacre of them at Jerusalem, the ones chosen to save man from this destructive spiritual or artificial intelligent entity). So some were destined to be slaves, and others like himself, the elites, their slave masters. Do keep in mind also that Ancient Greece at this time, like it’s offspring Rome later, were both slave based economies. Aristotle spent part of his childhood growing up in the king’s courtyard around slaves, as his father Nichomachus (his notorious and fraudulent work Nichomacean Ethics, named in honour of his father), was physician to Philip of Macedonia, the grandfather of Alexander of Macedonia (the so called great). I must also add that he was a paedophile. The classical sciences, arts, including drama, economics, social, Abrahamic religions, are based on this corruption of history and knowledge by Aristotle and the brotherhood. This is why the foundation of western civilisation must be demolished, eradicated and returned back to the original foundations of divine/natural African philosophy. We cannot use Aristotlelian solutions to rid us off Aristotlelian problems. This is their secret, held steadfastly by another lie of racial superiority, white supremacy and priviledges, which still consolidates their power to control their slave economy today.
The Superiority concept appeals to the ego, and can be found within all societies around the globe. However, it manifest itself within the white/caucasian race in the
form of racial superiority, and is one of the last bastilles to breaking out of the Aristotlelian mindset promoted by the parasitical criminal elites. We must focus on breaking free the masses from this mental slavery. This requires us to be unconventional in our thinking and approach, as using conventional methods is ego programming
and only perpetuates the current system. We must use our resources of technology, mind power, and spiritual powers. To win hearts and minds by disseminating information through use of or inventing new softwares that cannot be controlled by laws and governments. Do not get drawn into debates on being leftist, rightist, democratic, republican, communist, capitalists, neocons, liberals, etc, these are ego based labels, ego is attaching to identities, and are meant to distract and create conflict, a divide and rule strategy by the elites. Know that all isms and schims are either slavery or freedom based. Your indulgence in such intelletual thoughts or debates only exposes your ignorance or hidden agenda. Your focus should be on nothing other than the knowledge and experience of freedom and slavery. From the need to preserve one’s natural state of freedom as a spiritual soul being possessing a physical biological body in this 3D holographic world, comes natural law, common law or the Ancient African divine law of Ma’at. We must eliminate the Aristotlelian/Hyksos/Roman/Vatican based civil law codes and statutes/UCC/UN and International laws and resusitate or implement common law in order to create solidarity amongst the masses. This has been my goal based on my knowledge and understanding derived from my research of the past few years.
What I am developing is unconventional, objective, spiritual, unifying, humorous, fun and creative. It is aimed at creating a global peace force that would arrest and bring to justice all enemies of freedom. How do I know this would work? Well, just do a little research into the World Freeman Society in Canada, British Constitution
Group in the UK, and Schaeffer Cox’s Liberty Bell system in the US. The BCG arrested a judge in England a few weeks ago, and Schaeffer was arrested on trumped up charges two weeks ago because the PTB are petrified of his militia and his stance on common law. I am sharing this with you in order to enlighten, inspire and put others on the right path. I hoping this would also give you the courage and mobilise you into initiating whatever it takes to rid ourselves of this parasite. We can really solve this promlem if we put our minds to it. I am just a poor (financially) and self-educated individual who seeks to create harmony within the societies of this world, using whatever little resoures I have. If I can do it, so can you, especially if you have the resources which others lack. May the spirit guide and help you manifest your desire for freedom and harmony.
For a quick and easy read in understanding the fabric of existence or metaphysics, I recommend the ancient African Hermetic text called “The Kybalion by The Three Initiates”. You will learn that courage is what we need to overcome fear, and not that new age disinfo crap about love, which in my opinion is used to render us apathetic to the crimes of the slave masters. Hate is the opposite of love, not fear. You cannot overcome fear with love. We have enough love in the world already. Do not be fooled anymore. Courage is what we lack, and these mind-controlling negative entities know so extremely well. Hotep.

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