Friday, December 16, 2011

Criminal investigations close in on G5 Western banking cabal as its access to credit is choked off across the globe

Criminal investigations close in on G5 Western banking cabal as its access to credit is choked off across the globe
Barack Obama faces legal probe over unlawfully tangling America in NATO Libyan invasion. George Soros feels the heat of legal due process in connection with his financial interference in US government business. UK-France public row over EuroZone chaos indicates accelerating fragmentation of Western cabal organisation. German banks face market meltdown. Commerzbank is now a basketcase for emergency nationalisation and breakup.

A benevolent military coup in the US becomes more likely by the day as the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies line up against the Washington corporation's anti-Constitutional US Homeland Security apparat.

And unknown to most international market traders, eighty five percent of the global gold inventory is held off-market in Asia. Soon this gold is going to be brought on-market through the China South Rare and Precious Metal Exchange. Will Asia's firework display be the Western cabal's execution bonfire? More global background here (12.12.11).

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