Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Latest Clif High interview @ Sunskymysteries

Latest Clif High interview @ Sunskymysteries
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 2-Nov-2011 13:11:47
There’s a bit of mystery surrounding the Web Bot Project due to the anonymity that is closely kept and guarded by it’s creator, a gentlemen by the name of Cliff High. According to the guys over at Peoplenomics, Cliff was a “senior programmer with a software company in the Pacific Northwest and besides being an SQL ace, he was also heavily into linguistics and a language called Prolog, which is more like an artificial intelligence language than anything else. After looking up the patent he held for the technology, I was convinced that this fellow was for real and might be on to something with the method of looking for linguistic shift on the Internet as a tool to forecast future events.”
Now the Web Bot project isn’t voodoo by any means, but at times it may seem so, “What becomes obvious when reading about the technology is that it sometimes reads a bit like the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, because the technology doesn’t come out and say “go look for a terrorist attack over there.” What it does is it gives phrases that would be associated with how people talk about an event, or more accurately, how they change their speech to reflect their thought processes because of an event. The web bot technology apparently taps in to an area of “preconscious awareness.” It’s here that you run into the ramifications of Dean Radin’s work at the Boundary Institute and the work of the Princeton Global Consciousness Project.”
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