Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11/02/2011 What does it mean that Dinar Banker is still selling? ~FREEWAY BILL

Early AM Freeway Bill 11-2 - Highhopes post PTR Forum
 11/02/2011  What does it mean that Dinar Banker is still selling? ~FREEWAY BILL

With many banks receiving notice to stop selling Dinar and Dong today, the excitement is obviously high. Are we there? I believe that we are as close, if not closer than we have ever been and the chance of this happening by Thursday is great.

I have seen reference to the question "If we are there, why is Dinar Banker still selling?"

The banks are regulated by the UST and by their stockholders as well. If the bank holds dinar and they believe that we are there, then they are basically selling dinar that they know is going to be worth $ 3, $ 5, $ 8 for 9/10 of a penny. Not a good profit situation for them, right?

Read More Link on Right

On the other hand, Dinar Banker is a broker that is an independent company and can sell the dinar for whatever they would like for as long as they would like. They own the dinar and have vowed to sell it right up until the official RI or RV and that, IMO, is exactly what Ty is doing. Until the final bell rings, he is in business to sell Dinar and Dong. When that changes, he just flips his website price to the going rate and goes on. Of course, nobody will be buying, right? Wrong! If the activation is an RI and comes out a lower rate, then the big boys come in with big money and swallows up the balance of his dinar, should he choose to not stop selling at activation time and they hold it until the RV. Buying after an RI is a no-lose situation. Sure, it is not thousands times their money, but if they buy at $ 3 and sell at $ 8, the make 166% profit on their money. Not too bad for a month or two....

So, do not ponder the what if's and the why's in this. This is not an indicator that you need to worry about.

Dinar Banker is, indeed, selling dinar right now regardless of the rumors you have heard. That may very well change in a few hours or days if everything goes as it appears.


1 comment:

Ralph said...

This still leaves the question, if the RV is imminent, why would a dealer sell now and make a few hundred dollars on the transaction when he can hold his dinar and make millions on the RV? I know he can turn his few hundred dollars profit into more dinars, but not if he misses the timing of the RV.