Monday, October 24, 2011

More disturbing truth is oozing to the surface on the Solyndra solar scandal

More disturbing truth is oozing to the surface on the
Solyndra solar scandal.

Numerous sources are now reporting that California-based
solar panel company, Solyndra donated $7,500 to the
California Democratic Party and company employees had
also contributed  more than $20,000 to Democratic candidates...

No doubt payback to Democrats for handing over half-a-billion
of your hard-earned tax-dollars!

Even worse, the Detroit News reported that the Obama
administration was so eager to give Solyndra taxpayer
money, energy Secretary Steven Chu "personally approved
more cash even though they had already defaulted on one loan."

And this is likely just the tip of the "green energy"

+ + Emergency Petition Delivery Thursday, Oct. 27

Since launching our national petition calling for a full and
thorough investigation into the Solyndra mess, more than
43,000 taxpayers have responded to Obama's latest attack
on American taxpayers.

Right now, Grassfire Nation is preparing to hand-deliver
petitions to each of the two House subcommittees demanding
answers from those responsible for bilking more than $5
billion from taxpayers.

Teri, Obama's assault on the American worker and taxpayer
compels a strong citizen response. That's why we are working
quickly to mobilize at least 50,000 citizen signers before
Thursday's petition delivery.

Our records indicate that you haven't yet responded.

Please take a moment to sign our petition calling for a full
investigation into "Solargate" so that we may include you
in this delivery:

Left unchecked and unchallenged, Obama will continue his
jobs-killing assault on the American people while turning
the treasury into his own private venture capitalist firm.

Take immediate action by clicking below:

After signing, forward this message directly to 30-40
friends and family members urging them to join the growing
chorus of citizen outrage by clicking below and signing
our petition:

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