Sunday, July 24, 2011
[7/23/2011 11:20:52 PM] Teri Lynn (GEM):
[7/23/2011 11:27:13 PM] Teri Lynn (GEM): TT and company grabbed them up out of Hawaii three days before sentencing in federal court. He told them, make me president I will give you a pardon. LOL well that boy was gonna do 40 years and he is just too little and cute to be in with the bad boys in the grey bar hotel
 I wrote the story up on my blog a while back

does this look familiar: [6:49:52 PM]
[7/23/2011 11:54:47 PM] Michael C. Wier: or this :The Pennsylvania Free State Grand Jury has made its decision after hearing over 5 hours of evidence and testimony that Nathan Peachey has breached his jural covenant. Disiplinary actions will follow.

We will be publishing our report in the next week or so.


Wil Spencer

Pennsylvania Free State Grand Jury Foreman


lBaino] It's late... but I have several days worth of stuff ... the long and short is that several of my contacts with excellent resources in the ME... especially Baghdad, are really confidant about tomorrow... I had this on Wednesday, on Thursday from another source and today from the first as a continuing confirmation! We shall see... To answer your next question: I think the best place to see it first is on the CBI site... hopefully the new site we stumbled into in April ... (just once!) will be uploaded to replace the existing site... and away we go! IMO, ForEx cannot assign it a value initially, but can push it once it has been assigned a value by ..... wait for it...... "Them!"  

[Blaino] As everyone knows... "them" are closely related to "They say..." which, as we all know are the biggest liars that ever was... (were?) Anyway There you have the essence of the intel in a very compressed form... Don't chew, don't swallow it all at once and it will expand into a multi day "Hopium" dose ..... LOL!

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