Thursday, June 9, 2011

United Nations confirms near full normalization of relations between Iraq and Kuwait

United Nations confirms near full normalization of relations between Iraq and Kuwait
Posted by: Debbie - 06/09/2011 13:00
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Stressed the United Nations Mission to Iraq, Wednesday, that the full normalization of relations between Iraq and Kuwait, is nearing completion, arguing that the dispute between Baghdad and Kuwait on Port Mubarak ordered for the two countries, as stressed Iraq's right to navigation in the Persian Gulf without obstruction according to the international resolution of the 1993.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ad Melkert, said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The issue of port Mubarak concerning the relations between Iraq and Kuwait, it is natural to be addressed within the bilateral committees formed by the two countries," adding "there is satisfaction Iraq on the level of Information provided by the Kuwaiti side to him in this regard. "

He said Melkert that "the UN Security Council resolution issued in 1993 and clearly does not accept any confusion on the land border and river between Iraq and Kuwait, and affirms the right of Iraq in navigation without a disability, it has no reason to believe that Kuwait has not committed to the provisions of Council resolution ".

On the other hand, he noted Melkert that "full normalization of relations between Iraq and Kuwait became in the final stages and is nearing completion, and after that was invited parliamentarians and representatives of the Iraqi government to confirm the recognition of limits and commitment pillars border and the transfer of Iraqi farmers in terms of Safwan," noting that " These are fundamental questions, particularly those related to the search for the remains of Kuwaitis. "

The file border disputes and oil between Iraq and Kuwait, began after Britain decided in 1961 Granting of Independence to Kuwait, the rejection of the late Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qassem, recognition, and called for time to annex Kuwait to spend Basra, despite the recognition of the Iraqi government, dominated by the Party Baath Party in 1963 after dropping system Abd al-Karim Qasim, the independence of Kuwait, under a deal said by some historians that it was against the Iraqi government to give money because of the deficit was experienced, but that President Saddam Hussein, who belongs to the same party decided, on 2 August 1990, invasion of Kuwait on the back of problems on the demarcation of the border and conflict on some oil wells.

In 1993, the UN Security Council issued resolution No. 833 and provides for the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait, which has a length of 216 km, through the establishment of an international commission to demarcate the border between the two parties, which was rejected by the regime of President Saddam Hussein in the beginning, but he returned and approved in the end of 1994 following international pressure.

And Iraqi officials affirm that the demarcation of the border between the two countries was by force, and led to the deduction of Iraqi territory in terms of Safwan and Umm Qasr area, as well as reducing the area of Iraqi territorial waters, while urging the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Iraq in November 16 of last year, 2010, to fulfill its obligations to Kuwait, in particular resolution 833 out of the penalty provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

The UN Security Council passed, mid-December last, three important decisions lift whereby the majority of penalties issued against Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait in 1991, and approved in the third resolution to lift the ban on imports of Iraq's nuclear for the implementation of a civilian nuclear program, setting a limit to ban a 19 years, under resolution 687 of 1991.

The ambassador was the Kuwaiti ambassador in Iraq, also criticized, on May 30 last, a way to address a number of members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the Council of the nation of Kuwait and the Iraqi media crises that occur between the two countries, saying they fuel the situation, as he emphasized that the debt owed by Iraq back to the periods before Saddam Hussein's regime, can not be canceled without a law passed by the Kuwaiti National Assembly.

The Iraqi Transport Minister Hadi al-Amiri said, on May 27 last, said that Kuwait's decision to build a port Mubarak Al-Kabir near the coast of Iraq's violation of UN resolution by the Security Council No. 833, As explained that the waterway, Iraq will be part of the port of Kuwait, confirmed that the construction of the port up to water boundaries drawn by resolution 833 and it a great injustice on Iraq.

While stressing the Kuwaiti embassy in Baghdad in a letter to the Ministry of State for Foreign Affairs of Iraq, on May 28 last, to build a port Mubarak will be in shallow waters and within the territorial waters of Kuwait, noting that it will be drilled channel qualifies smooth traffic without impeding the direction of Umm Qasr, With considered that the actions to be taken to build a port for the approval of UN resolution 833.

And proceeded to Kuwait to build the port of Mubarak the Great, the sixth of April, after exactly one year of the Declaration on the development and the Iraqi transport ministry the foundation stone for the construction of the port of Faw Iraq, and drew the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Development Minister of Kuwait Ahmed Al-Fahd that the project, which is contracted to create Hyundai Korean, involves the big goals, and achieve the hopes and aspirations of the Kuwaiti people, and would turn Kuwait into a financial and commercial center at the regional and global levels, officials believe the Iraqi experts that the port of Kuwait will diminish the importance of Iraqi ports, and restrict navigation in the Canal Creek Abdullah, leading to the ports of Umm Qasr and Khor Al-Zubair, and make the draft port of Faw worthless.

The Ministry of Transport has developed, in April of last year 2010, the foundation stone for the port project Faw, who has by his designs the core container terminal length of 39 thousand meters, and a berth last a length of 2000 meters, as well as an arena for containers with an area of more than one million m 2, and another arena of multi-purpose area of 600 thousand m 2, with an absorptive capacity of the port 99 million tonnes annually, while total cost for the establishment of four billion and 400 million euros, it is hoped that the connection port line of the railway linking the Persian Gulf in northern Europe through the ports of Iraq and Turkey, a project which known as the "dry canal".

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