Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Parallel World Hidden Inside Earth

It seems that scientists find more and more evidence to prove the existence of parallel worlds. Physicists at Stanford University managed to calculate the hypothetical number of universes that were formed as a result of the Big Bang. According to them, the Big Bang created 101016 universes. It is quite possible, though, that they may exist inside one another, including our planet. Therefore, there is probably another Earth hidden inside planet Earth.

The hollow Earth theory can be traced back to ancient periods of the history of human civilization. Ancient wise men believed that there was a whole underground world with its underground creatures living inside the planet. It may seem to many that it is only a primeval and naïve perception of the structure of the world.
In Ancient Greece, there was a myth about Tartar – the ominous underground world. Philosopher Anaxagoras (5th century A.D) built a model of creation made of the flat earth surrounded by the air sphere and the cloud of ether. He wrote about the existence of the parallel world with its people, cities and even celestial bodies. If planet Earth is the center of the universe, where do these people live? Do they live under the ground?
Hypotheses about the existence of hollow space inside planet Earth appeared later as well. The theory was put forward by Galilei, Franklin and Lichtenberg among others.
In 1818, John Cleves Symmes showered the US Congress, universities and prominent scientists with messages, in which he was trying to prove that the Earth was made of several concentric spheres with openings near the poles.
Soviet academician V. Obruchev put forward a hypothesis about a giant meteorite that rammed into Earth in primeval times. According to him, the meteorite may have broken through the planet’s crust and created hollowness inside.
US researcher Cyrus Teed said that the surface of the Earth might be the interior shell of a sphere. The theory became known as “concave hollow Earth” hypothesis. According to this theory, we all live on the inner shell of the Earth.
Let’s just assume that the underground world exists and that there is someone living there in that world. What may those creatures look like? Can they be the mysterious monsters, the existence or non-existence of which has been perplexing mankind for centuries? ( Translated from yoki.ru ).
In this NASA short you can see very clearly the opening to the hollow earth as the aurora australis streams from the interior to light up the exterior ionosphere.
Why the earth is hollow and geographic poles do not exist.

Before Columbus discovered America, belief in the existence of a New World across the Atlantic, in the form of a western continent, was considered as the dream of a madman.
Equally strange, in our own time, is the belief in the existence of a New World, a Subterranean World, in the hollow interior of the Earth, and which is as unknown to present humanity as the American continent was to Europeans prior to its discovery by Columbus. Yet there is no reason why it, too, may not be discovered and its existence established as a fact.
Arnoldo de Azevedo, in his “Physical Geography,” wrote as follows about the mysterious world below our feet, concerning which scientists know nothing beyond a few miles in profundity, entertaining only theories, hypotheses and conjectures to hide their ignorance: “We have below, our feet an immense region whose radius is 6,290 kilometers, which is completely unknown, challenging the conceit and competence of scientists.”
Scientists to date have penetrated only a few miles inside the earth, and what lies further down they know nothing about, depending only on conjectures, guesses and suppositions. Many of the commonly accepted theories and beliefs about the Earth’s interior do not rest on any scientific basis, and seem to originate in the old ecclesiastical idea of hellfire in the center of the Earth, which is so much like the belief of scientists that the core of the Earth is a mass of fire and molten metal.
The total surface of the Earth is 197 million square miles and its estimated weight is six sextillion tons. If the Earth was a solid sphere, its weight would be much greater. This is one among other scientific evidences of the fact that the Earth has a hollow interior.
There are no physical poles
The first one to present the theory of the earth being hollow with openings at its poles was an American thinker, William Reed, author of the book, “Phantom of the Poles,” published in 1906. This book provides the first compilation of scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the theory that the Earth is hollow with openings at its poles. Reed estimates that the crust of the Earth has a thickness of 800 miles, while its hollow interior has a diameter of 6,400 miles.
“The earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World, and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth’s surface.” According Reed.
Reed pointed out that the Earth is not a true sphere, but is flattened at the Poles, or rather it begins to flatten out as one approaches the hypothetical North and South Pole, which really do not exist because the openings to its hollow interior occur there.
Starting at 70 to 75 degrees north and south latitude the Earth starts to curve IN. The Pole is simply the outer rim of a magnetic circle around the polar opening. Read full article: infinity
Remember what Admiral Byrd said about the ‘Hollow Earth’ referring to hisflight in Agharta Ariana ‘Hollow Earth’ 19 february 1947
Other writers of the past claim that the “Ascended Masters with esoteric wisdom of the sub-areas populate the underground caves. Antarctica, the Arctic, Tibet, Peru and Mount Shasta in California are all locations where access to the hidden world of the Hollow Earth. Reportedly, these are the home bases of UFOs.
In the March 1962 issue of “Flying Saucers” magazine, written by its editor, Ray Palmer, who believes that flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through its polar openings. The article is entitled, ” the North Pole – Russian Style.” It describes remarkable discoveries made by Russian Arctic explorers, which confirm the theory of a hollow earth and polar openings.
Related article: The Hollow Earth Theory
“They are not coming, they are already here. And the best part is, we live on their home.”
“There are ancient tunnel systems and buried cities beneath the surface of the planet in which many people chose to dwell, but that is not related to entire civilizations with advanced cultures. The civilizations we think of as beneath the surface – co-exist with our 3D electromagnetic energy grid program.”
“We move our conscious awareness in and out of those parallel realities, so they appear to be physical.”
“Explore at depth the lifestyle and society of another advanced civilization that already reached the ascended state of consciousness that is our human destiny” - Mikos.

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