Would someone please define the World Global Settlements By Whistleblower (David Crayford) May 14, 2011 - 4:25:31 PM | Email this article Printer friendly page ![]() |
Dear Candace,
Please allow me to post an article of response to “Reader’s” article posted by “Jordan” on RMN regarding the Global Settlements as referred to below.
Reader : "Would someone please define the World Global Settlements?"
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-May-2011 21:09:58
Date: Friday, 13-May-2011 21:09:58
In Response To: – White Hat Report #19 – Who’s in charge? Obama or Panetta?(Jordon)
Dear Reader, may I suggest you listen to the Rayedio Show dated 10th May between Rayelan and David Sale of the OITC.
You can find the downloads of this on:-
http://radio.rumormillnews. com/audio/davidsale/ 20110510hour1.mp3
http://radio.rumormillnews. com/audio/davidsale/ 20110510hour2.mp3
http://radio.rumormillnews. com/audio/davidsale/ 20110510hour3.mp3
The subject of the Global settlements was discussed, as you had intimated, which clearly indicates 2 different factors, one relating to the Mitterand Protocols and the other to Ferdinand Marcos and the Global Agreement. The former of these was unlawful and actually used, without authority, the assets of the Collateral Accounts, whereby such generated funds, or what is left of them after using a substantial amount to bring down the “Iron Curtain”; was actually credited to the Collateral Accounts.
The subject of the Global settlements was discussed, as you had intimated, which clearly indicates 2 different factors, one relating to the Mitterand Protocols and the other to Ferdinand Marcos and the Global Agreement. The former of these was unlawful and actually used, without authority, the assets of the Collateral Accounts, whereby such generated funds, or what is left of them after using a substantial amount to bring down the “Iron Curtain”; was actually credited to the Collateral Accounts.
The latter is an International Agreement executed by 746 signatories being the various leaders of the world, which was never implemented, and can no longer be implemented under its existing format, formula, or procedures.
Generally both refer to use of assets of the Collateral Accounts, one being unlawful and the other being lawful but never to be implemented.
This is an issue, which I have been stating for some 2.5 years that will never pay out because there is no legal mechanism for it to do so and there is no authority or approval from the International Treasury Controller, which there must be at all times.
There was also one other “Pipedream” proposal which was NESARA that included some form of Global Payouts. Although claimed to have been approved by Congress in the time of Bill Clinton, it was in fact a total “Pipedream” by a group of people that never even got as far as Congress and was not approved. Again, this was a scheme that was designed upon the unlawful use of assets of the Collateral Accounts, patched together by people within the American Government and CIA, then promoted to the people in a manner to “Bring them on board” using people’s perceptions and beliefs that by supporting NESARA there was going to be an abundance of money for everyone and all your troubles would be over.
Let me reiterate fact here. NESARA was never approved or passed into law and could never develop or evolve because it was based upon unlawful acts against the Collateral Accounts and the unlawful use of assets of the Collateral Accounts.
Mr. Panetta is quite within his legal rights under International Law and International Treaty Law to stop all actions on this matter should any person or party attempt to subvert the International Treasury System, or attempt to distribute funds that do not belong to them and which they hold no authority over. Such authorities are held only by Dr. R. C. Dam, International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Collateral Accounts and the assets contained therein.
The persons to blame for this mess, once again, are i). Those who executed the Global Agreement initiated by Ferdinand Marcos, and then did everything to prevent the Agreement from being implemented because they did not desire to lose their power and control over other countries, and ii). The crooks of the “Rogue Factor”, being the American Government, President Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and President Mitterand, Leo Wanta, the CIA, the City of London, Mossad, and others, because they were unlawfully utilising the assets of the Collateral Accounts that they, or persons on their behalf, had stolen out of China, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
Many Leaders of the World have over the last 10 years or so, realised how unlawful the Mitterand Protocols were and how they were coerced into executing these Protocols to make them appear legal. These leaders have known for some time that these payments will never be made and have accepted that fact, but there are persons or parties that keep openly promoting such matters as misinformation to the public, which allows them to believe that such payments will be made and the financial problems of America, and indeed individual Americans, will be resolved immediately.
This is not the case at all, as the Collateral Accounts can not be utilised to settle the irresponsibility(ies) of the financial negligence of any country. America has to face the problem it has created for itself and resolve same, no matter what hardships it brings. When it can be seen that appropriate action has been taken and consistent and that the effects of same are bringing down America’s debt to the world with payments to creditors being made, then and only then will the Collateral Accounts, via H.E. Dr. Dam / the OITC, step in to assist America without putting any money directly into the hands or control of the American Government or any of its agencies / authorities. Furthermore, America has to repay the Collateral Accounts for all assets stolen over decades by its agents, whether direct or indirect agents, which amounts to trillions of Dollars in itself.
America is not in control of the Collateral Accounts and will not be allowed to just “Help its self”. America is not the world, it is just one country amongst 200+ other countries and will be treated just like any other country when it comes to the use of the Collateral Accounts. America holds no authority over the Collateral Accounts and can not decide what happens with the assets and which countries receive benefits from the Collateral Accounts. That is the prerogative of the International Treasury Controller only. NESARA an America “Pipedream” is a non-starter and always has been, so any payments predicted or proposed, whether Global Settlements or Prosperity Settlements, that derive from NESARA will never happen or be allowed to happen
Finally, this subject, especially the part relating to Ferdinand Marcos of the Global Agreement will be discussed in depth at a later date, on the RMN Rayedio, so I would advise listening to future Rayedio shows should you have the time to do so.
I apologise for being blunt and slightly brutal about this matter, which would not be necessary if people generally started to listen and really understand the truth, instead of consistently living in a world of fantasy believing that someone is going to come along handing out large sums of cash which will remove all their liabilities that they, or others, have created through lack of realism, avarice, irresponsibility, power, control over others, egoism, etc.
David P. Crayford.
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