Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fukushima has become far worse than Chernobyl ever was,

The radiation levels in the soil miles from Fukushima are now so contaminated with radiation that they exceed Chernobyl "dead zone" limits. It is now clear that Fukushima has become far worse than Chernobyl ever was, and the radiation is still leaking.
Here's my report on this worsening situation:

TV show host Adam Kokesh was viciously assaulted by D.C. park police for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. And now, a new protest is forming up for this Saturday: It's a big dance protest for freedom at the Jefferson Memorial! Full details at:

Stunning new research says that the so-called "genetic basis" for disease is completely bogus. Don't believe doctors who say disease is caused by your genetic code. It's all quackery!

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