Thursday, June 16, 2011


f you have read Al Hodges’ past letters you would have read how the dinar is inextricably tied in with the World Global Settlements. I will copy-paste a new letter from Al Hodges. He is asking everyone for your assistance. I am bringing this request to this chat room in hopes you will assist. One way in which you can do that is to send this letter from Al to every Senator/Congressman–woman possible. ….
Letter from Al Hodges to Ambassador Zhang Yesui
June 16th, 2011
Gentlepeople – Attached is a letter I just had sent to Ambassador Yesui @ the Chinese Embassy in Washington; a copy was also shown going to President Hu. Additional blind copies will also be served on Presidents Obama and Sarkozy, and on Queen Elizabeth II. Please assist me in providing the widest possible distribution of this message, for effect.
A. Clifton Hodges (CSBN 046803)
4 East Holly Street, Suite 202
Pasadena , CA 91103-3900
Tel: (626) 564-9797
Fax: (626) 564-9111

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