Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To begin with the United States DOES NOT EXIST IN TWO FORMS by Teri Hinkle

Teri Hinkle to Terry, bcc: me
show details 11:03 AM (5 hours ago)
To begin with the United States DOES NOT EXIST IN TWO FORMS the corporation has ALWAYS existed as governments cannot do business. They must have a corporate entity to do commerce ours is just out of control. Creating a Republic within a Republic is TREASON! Michigan is the ONLY state which has done this correctly and now they are under attack as I predicted they would be. Turner cannot have a state which is not under his complete control. Second, this is a government sting operation taken over and orchestrated by Tim Turner for the purpose of the following:

  • Distracting patriots and the tea party
  • Identifying those most willing to stand
  • Demonizing Christianity
  • Creating the catalyst for outright Martial Law
  • Rounding up and detaining all those willing to stand against NWO
  • Disarming America

To become involved in this at this point in my very educated opinion is suicide plain and simple. By tapping into financial desperation and manipulating Christian faith they have created the perfect storm which will ultimately make the not so natural disasters we have thus far suffered look like a gentle summer rain!

The following tools have and are being consistently used to accomplish this goal:

  • Claims of funding (these claims have changed sources too many times to count at this point) Financial Desperation
  • Claims that God sent Timothy Turner (check your bible the warnings are clear on this one) Nobody is paying any attention to this man's track record or the number of lives he has already destroyed. Nobody is doing their homework. Manipulation of Faith
  • Demonizing of ANY voice of reason (all voices of reason have been attacked and labeled with the same claims of lunacy or de facto plants with ZERO PROOF EVER PROVIDED.
  • Absolute COMPARTMENTALIZATION, states not allowed to communicate except through national, separate Governors association high jacked and now controlled by national puppets. Different messages and claims made by Turner and national on different conference calls ie; one message to Ambassadors at polar opposite to the message given Congress and so on.
  • A deliberately convoluted and twisted interpretation of our founding documents. Original Intent is now re-defined by Nathan Peachey and CW Wright, neither being qualified to interpret. Not once have we heard a single voice step up and recommend the reading of "Original Intent" by David Barton or the Federalist or Anti Federalist Papers. Not once have we heard a recommendation to seek an understanding of the vernacular of language used in 1787 in order to interpret what our founders REALLY SAID and intended. Blacks Law and any other tome of that type can be as easily twisted to fit agenda as the bible and they are using both to the same end.
  • Deliberate disinformation; foreign support, FBI and military support, de facto cooperation, all used to play to desperation and all of it simple to disprove but only if the people use the brains God gave them. Wake up and verify, stop being SHEEP!
  • Fear and hate mongering; big surprise? This is the classic de facto progressive NWO tactic and Turner has used it consistently from the beginning as he parrots what he reads on Fulford, Rumormill News, Sorscha Faal and others two or three weeks after they publish; Chinese invasion, impending arrests of world leaders and banksters, foreign troops awaiting the collapse, ad nausea. 
  • Stall tactics as the people get restless for proof of claims ie; more paperwork, ridiculous committees who have no power or authorization to accomplish anything, infiltration of state elected governing bodies to remove even entire state legislatures with the use of proctors (Ambassadors a position which DOES NOT AND NEVER HAS EXISTED IN A LAWFUL CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC)
  • Complete control over communication; all calls manipulated by national and dissenting voices silenced.
  • Vicious attack and deliberate division among the individual state's assemblies pitting the intelligent and aware against the desperate and ignorant.
Use this missive as you see fit. As for me, I will continue to expose ALL THAT I FIND and I will not stop digging. I sleep well knowing I share the truth whether or not those I intend to help, listen or take heed. This is the quintessential answer for the de facto to achieve their NWO. All involved have gleefully and willfully placed a big red bulls eye on their foreheads and very soon they will pay the price for blind faith in a professional con man and remaining as always, indoctrinated, lazy and manipulated into waiting for the "silver bullet" instead of exercising the grey matter God so graciously endowed them with. Actually to every tragedy there is a silver lining and unfortunately this one is the fact that it is a trap because the very thought that our country could end up in the hands and governance of any of these people should scare the pants right off you! Thank God that cannot and will not happen.



Any Ideas how i should Approach this dog and pony show

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Republic of Florida <> wrote:
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DEAR terry,

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1. The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.
2. The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just look in Bouvier's Law Dictionary for "United States". You will find seven definitions. Number 5 being "The United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be sued, to
convey and receive property. 1 Marsh. Dec. 177, 181. But it is proper to observe that no suit can be
brought against the United States without authority of law."
She is such a small minded idiot.