Wednesday, May 25, 2011


To all who have been included in this muddle,

I have resigned no position in the Republic officially or unofficially.  I will not participate in all this bantering.  There are only a few of us who have been constructive in building this Republic in the first place.  There have been some who have spent more time casting stones than ever spent in productive time.  Some have been on a call from time to time or have driven to a meeting occasionally...but what real work?

I have spoken to many brilliant people across the country who are tremendous assets to the Republic.  They have either been involved with the Republic, are currently involved or want to be involved but not until national is changed.

I would like to think that we are all on the same page in building this Republic.  However, I have discovered that is not the case.  Don't think it didn't break my heart when I found out certain things.  I did believe in Tim Turner with all my heart at one time.  To me, how could anyone even doubt the sincerity of that man?  I told many people that in the past.  I had come to know some of the people on the national level quite personally.  I am not without knowledge of what I speak.  I have had no contact with Byron Fain whatsoever since he left his position.  Things I found out, I found out for myself.

When I was first elected, I had confidence that Tim knew best and that Gene's instructions from him to us in the Florida Republic were with pure intent.  I followed that direction because I figured Tim knew a lot more about how to do this than I did and that surely he was getting legitimate input from the military or somewhere.  I hereby make this public apology to Stephen White and to Jim Jaeger for any part I played in their dismissal.  I believe both to be very good men with pure intentions and pure hearts.  Gene wanted them removed.

There are two in congress who have stated that they have withdrawn their votes on every issue/item that has been voted on by congress since last November, thereby attempting to destroy all time, efforts and work done over the last 6 months.  I do not know if this is a deliberate attempt to undermine and destroy the Florida Republic.  Imagine the damage that could arise from someone being able to do that.  If one is not sure of a vote in the first place, he/she should abstain.

I happen to be a catalyst to get things done.  It is my personality to get things done that need to be done instead of sitting around waiting for others to do it or being critical of what others are doing.  Things do not just happen, we have to make them happen.  Susan and I have had to put more than what would be considered full-time (70 to 90 hrs per week) into the Republic because of what needs to be done and because there is/was so much "dead weight" onboard not doing anything.  I am/was hoping to get people who care(d) enough to put in the necessary time and help give us some relief from having to work so hard.

Any who have not attended calls or meetings when you took an oath to serve as elected officials, shame on you.  Some of you have done that 40% to 95% of the time.  You know who you are.  The honorable thing to do would be resign if you are being a drag on our success.  When some of us in the legislature proceeded to remove those individuals who were not participating nor communicating about not participating, appropriate action was taken by the legislature to remove them.  Though I was the one who would bring it to the table, it was voted to remove them by majority or unanimously by quorum.

Personally, I do not understand why someone would accept such a position without wanting to participate in accomplishing the inhabitation of the Republic.  Some may have thought it was cool to have their names go down in history; some may have seen it as a good opportunity to make a good income (if that was the reason, the joke is on them); and some may have been curious and just wanted to be on "the inside" to be able to keep tabs on what is/was going on.  Who knows what someone's personal reason was for accepting the position.  All I know is that it requires a lot of dedication and making the Republic a number one priority most of the time and that means ahead of one's family, friends and whatever else is in one's life.  If you were not willing to do that or did not have the means to step up to the plate, you should have declined.

I only know what is in my own heart and what I know is there is a lot of time wasted on accusations, disruptions and divisions.  I am not wanting division nor is anyone I work with in the Republic.  We want unity and bringing this Republic online properly.  Every action I have taken and every breath I take is about self empowerment to all people individually and collectively.  Building this Republic is exactly that--empowering the people.  Honestly, I would love to see everyone who is not totally dedicated and who does not realize the importance and significance of what we are doing here just get out of the way of their own accord because this is wayyyy too important to allow it to fail.

Because I spend so much time on the Republic and because I communicate with so many people around the state and the country, I am privileged to be more aware of the many problems and even possible solutions than most people.  When people in the Republic confront issues that face us and request or demand answers, they are typically slapped down, trodden over and arbitrarily dismissed from the Republic as though ANYONE has the power or authority to ever dismiss anyone else.  The Republic is OURS and not belonging to some self-appointed individuals.

Most of our Florida congress members hardly ever listen to the national congress calls on Tuesday evenings.  If they did, they would hear much of this information for themselves.  Tonight, they are planning to have a vote on a joint resolution that is totally predicated on the Republic's "founding documents".  Who even knows what those are and what they say?  I know that the so-called "Utah documents" are considered as some of the founding documents if not all.  Very few legislators around the country have ever even seen those documents and only Tim was allowed to have them in his possession and was supposedly taking them around the country for all the congress people to see and sign.  Guess what?  They never came to Florida.  The original Utah documents were 28 pages.  We never saw the original documents here in Florida.  Those original documents were comprised of whatever was written as the document and blank pages which were the signature pages filled with all national congress members' signatures who attended the conference in Utah.  The documents themselves did not allow or require initials of those who signed the blank pages.  How can anyone sign an official document (and supposedly with such historical significance) without initialing the pages?  Creating a document in this manner will/would allow the front pages to be exchanged at any given time and simply attach the signature pages.  How can we be sure that the document supposedly signed by those members of congress attending is indeed the same document initially?

Presenting issues like this and being vehicles for offering funding for the individual states has cast me and Susan into an obvious mud puddle with national and with those within our Florida Republic who are in league with them.  We are fully invested in getting this Republic up and online legitimately even if we have to go back and start all over again for having misplaced trust in what we were supposed to do in the first place.  Through all the communication with history-educated people and much reading for ourselves, we have learned how things should have been done.

It is an absolute honor for us to be involved to the degree that we are.  It is no fun at all to be attacked by those who do not understand nor make an effort to understand what we are dealing with here.  Susan and I both have put everything and everyone in our lives on the back burner to try to accomplish a fully established Republic.  We are aware of the absolute and imminent danger this country is in.  Meanwhile, instead of using our time constructively to continue the building process, we are listening and having to respond to this sort of stuff??  Well, this is all I have to say on the subject unless I am contacted by grand juries who are the REAL power.

I bear no allegiance to any one person.  My allegiance is to doing whatever I can to help save this country from the depths of hell to which it is doomed if we are not successful.  It is my hope that people will start connecting their own dots instead of letting someone else connect them for you.  Being sheeple is what put this country into these dire straights as it is.  It is essential for us all to step up and make things right.  That requires vigilance, a lot of education, a lot of time, a lot of fortitude and stamina and a lot of dedication on our part.  I would be embarrassed if someone thought I was a sheep.  I surely do not think kindly of someone referring to me as a goat or a sheep.

If anyone has any questions about any of this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

May the force of God be with us all in what we choose and how we choose it.

Mary Heiler

1 comment:

Madmike said...

Great Job Mary, Keep the Faith and keep moving forward..I hope to someday in the near future to move to Florida, and once settled I shall be there to help as much as humanly possible. Thanks for ALL you guys are doing with the Blessings of our Lord and Savior. Mike in PA