Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011 Dr Bill Deagle : The Situation in Fukushima is catastrophic

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dr Bill Deagle : The Situation in Fukushima is catastrophic

Dr. Bill Deagle - Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2011.05.23

Listen to Dr Bill Deagle and guests highlighting more problems with the Japanese attack on Mar 11th 2011 and whats going to come of it all in the future. Dr. Bill DeagleFukushima reporting on Jeff Rense that the situation is deteriorating fast , way way worse than any government is ready to admit to the citizens , the Japanese economy is toast which means that the dollar is toast cause Japan is the second largest US treasury Bills buyers just after China , Tepco won't survive without government bailout

when Katrina hit New Orleans all the police stayed in town but three quarters of them were looting the high-end stores and one quarter of them were killing and beating up niggers LA riots they ran & hide It was the National Guard that was, confiscating guns and doing the police work they only beat up old ladies. The guard will do as told when S H TF we will not have to worry it about the police because the police are nothing but criminals and robbing people police are armed and retarded

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