Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Interest in Weather Modification – Geoengineering the Skies – May 30, 2011 Posted on May 31, 2011

New Interest in Weather Modification – Geoengineering the Skies – May 30, 2011

I think they (video 1) did a good job.. of course, none of them have met our standards all the way around yet, but this is new to them and they always seem to leave out one or more very important aspects…
In this particular piece, I’d say the only frustrating factor is that they speak about weather modification as though it hasn’t existed for a long time. They open with reference to  the Joplin tornado.. but are they insinuating that weather modification caused it, or are they looking for the cure for tornadoes via weather modification?
They very much downplayed  it at the end.. and FYI to the woman who spoke at the end.. Many farmers LOVE weather modification. They are the primary customers aside from government entities for companies like:
Is the government spraying toxic chemicals into the skies all over the world? It’s called “geoengineering”, and a growing movement of people say yes. They also say, many of the illnesses you see today are a direct cause of whats happening in the sky.
“What are they spraying”?
CHEMTRAILS INCLUDE: aluminum, barium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, magnesium, manganese, iron, strontium, thorium, titanium, zinc, swine flu, etc..
Chemtrails Czech Republic, May 29, 2011
Some links below about this issue..
Thanks to WSBTV out of Atlanta, Georgia.http://www.wsbtv.com/video/28053699/index.html
Thanks to NBC Affilliate KMIR6 out of Palm Springs, CA  http://www.kmir6.com/story/14722621/info-for-what-are-they-spraying
Source and author:  *  (youtube)

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