Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Message To The Awakened Ones... 00:09:39 - Views 33,474 There are a number of youtube titles on and @ the end of this video } Click on their appropriate heading and watch them also! { ~~~ uh Bonus Piece, kinda goes w/video above READ IT ~~~ SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2011 THE COMING COLLAPSE. by ANONYMOUS

A Message To The Awakened Ones...
00:09:39 - Views 33,474

There are a number of youtube titles on and @ the end of this video
} Click on their appropriate heading and watch them also! {

~~~ uh Bonus Piece, kinda goes w/video above READ IT ~~~

 SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2011


 The New World Order is very, very old.  The European kings of old and wealthy merchant-bankers got together over five centuries ago – came up with a long-term plan to take or take control of the whole world with bogus currency & puppets – willing or otherwise.  They’ve been refining their techniques ever since.  ‘Tis they who colonized the New World, and third world countries – to rob them blind.  ‘Tis they who financed the Bolsheviks – brought Communism to Russia & China – to rob them blind.  ‘Tis they who financed Hitler.  They’ve been propping up every kind of totalitarian government known to man – for centuries.

 ‘Tis they – who own the Federal Reserve counterfeiting company to extract wealth from the world to fund their bloodlust.  They love to rob you – to pay murderers.  These wars in the Middle East will cost three trillion dollars.  We’ve successfully murdered about a million and a half men, women, and children.  Do the math.  That’s two million dollars per corpse!  How much would you pay for a corpse?  How much did they pay – to satisfy the bloodlust of these banksters?  Can we say they’re absolute evil incarnate?  Understand your real enemy, and it isn’t someone who votes differently than you or came from another country than your family came from.

 Behind ALMOST all governments – you will find currency-issuing bankers I refer to as banksters.  These are NOT the same bankers you & I have dealings with.  These banksters are associated with counterfeiting, real estate scams of all sorts, international drug trade, money laundering and monopolies.  If they can’t steal land & resources, they lock them up with bogus ecology “LAWS” so nobody else can get them – so they can steal them later!  Find out who funds so-called ecology groups.  You might be amazed.  These people can buy anything they want – but they prefer to steal it!  Land – tops their list.

 If you think your government protects your real estate, look up the International Property Maintenance Code.  (  It’s raw real estate theft – IN YOUR FACE!  Their goal is to steal or otherwise gain control of all governments, all land, all resources, all trade – and what better way to get all they want, than to murder the land’s inhabitants?

 If we killed someone because we wanted to steal their land or whatever, that would be murder.  When governments do this, it’s called war.  Wars are always ‘justified’ first with demonization of the ‘enemy’ – then they blame ‘the enemy’ for some terrorist event the banksters create (to blame on ‘the enemy’ they want to take) to make war appealing to patriotism, ‘God’ – Mom, apple pie – freedom.  All they do is destroy people (and things people need), to steal everything they can get, when they steal foreign countries.

 This real estate/resource theft is also done INSIDE a country – with government again – funded by – banksters – again!  Totalitarian regimes have had many traits in common for a couple thousand years.  They like to write lots of ‘laws’ to steal as much as they can from ‘the people.’
  They like to build lots of prisons – for three reasons.
  1) They use these ‘laws’ to kidnap people into prisons to enslave them for pennies an hour.
  (Yes, Virginia, we have slavery in America – inside prisons.)
  They like to put nice, hardworking people into prisons – let violent criminals roam free.  When economic collapse begins in a country, they like to
  2) let the slaves in prison loose on society – to
  3) lock up political dissidents – to kill them!
 See how it works?  This is all very simple – after you see through their web of well-funded lies.  And guess who has the highest percentage of people in prison in the world?  The good old USA!

 Banksters like to first ‘pump up’ countries/economies with funny-money and trade deals – only to yank the rug out from under that economy to rob people.  Composite picture of how they’ve done this in many countries: The banksters offer to invest in the country & back the currency in gold.  They finance the government with loans.  The political leaders give out wonderful things from the government while they build roads, utilities, ports, etc – collateral for the loans.  These banksters also export recreational drugs out of these countries – particularly cocaine and heroine – to further pump up that country’s economy and their own coffers.

 With the free flow of (temporarily) good currency – like our ‘Roaring ‘20s’ – the economy grows like crazy.  People go into debt to the bankers – who are run by the banksters – to buy homes, businesses and farms – while the banksters inflate the currency – print more and more ‘notes’ that become worth less and less – while the government (that they control) grows bigger and bigger – taking more and more – all at the same time.  They grind the economy down, eventually crash it to harvest mortgaged land, businesses & houses (that they want to rot).  They also grab government-owned infrastructure – roads, utilities, ports – that the government put up as collateral for their loans.  They oftentimes finance rebel forces to help bring the government & society down.  It’s simple: They first plant paper ‘currency’ seeds – people work the economic ‘garden’ – then the banksters harvest the whole country – leaving poverty, hunger, death and destruction behind.  Then they do it again!

 When people get sufficiently hungry because of this, they riot – and eventually kill for food.  The government cracks down with ‘security forces’ – to ‘protect the people’ of course – and take many to camps ‘to feed & protect them’.  Disease sweeps through the camps – people die – mission accomplished.  (pssst – the FEMA camps are already built, complete with crematoriums & millions of plastic coffins –

 And they’ve done this in country after country – for centuries!  This throws the country into a kind of long-term depression/neighbor-against-neighbor & government against people ‘civil’ war – very unlike anything we’ve experienced in America.  May I suggest that you visit - if you want a non-partisan view of what Americans are facing – collapse of the dollar & trade – more unemployment – hunger – violence.  America lost 5% of her people during the Great Depression due to starvation & exposure (homelessness).  We may lose between 15% and 30% of our populace during the next few years from problems related to inevitable economic collapse.  A great famine is about to fall on the land – by design.  We just don’t know exactly WHEN.

 When you see that these banksters really do come to kill, steal, and destroy, their behavior makes perfect sense.  To synopsize an author of long ago: ‘They try to make people very dependent on the government.  They do anything to make life more difficult and dangerous for people who inhabit that country.  They pit one group against another, and invent boogeyman to blame for the woes the bankers create.  They also conjure up boogeymen whom they claim have attacked and plan to attack the country from without and from within. They teach people not to trust anyone but (their) government.’  The name of the game: Smoke ‘n’ mirror lies – Punch ‘n’ Judy show-biz; puppets & boogeymen!

 How about using ‘Islamic terrorists’ as boogeymen?  They were blamed for the events of 9/11/2001.  A nationwide manhunt for ‘Islamic terrorists’ involved tracing, tracking, and surveilling our entire population – that gave government ‘new’ unconstitutional powers to arrest and detain anyone ‘suspected’ of ‘terrorism.’  Now, I ask you: ‘If one in ten thousand people living in America in 2001 had been an Islamic terrorist, after a decade of hunting for such terrorists, shouldn’t we have seen AT LEAST 25,000 such terrorists – parading across our TV screens in chains?’  Case made.

 Mainstream media ‘sugar-coats’ violence – even tries to make torture ‘cool’ and ‘acceptable.’  Violence is neither cool, nor even remotely acceptable, except when absolutely necessary to stop otherwise unstoppable violence.  Real war is more grotesque than anything Hollywood could produce – or could be shown on mainstream media because it is so repulsive.  The mainstream romanticizes war - - -

 What follows is not for the faint of heart or mind.  It’s a very real description of real events that have happened all over the world for a very long time – unlike anything you’ve heard from public ‘education’ – media – or even preachers.  When people get hungry/homeless & riot, the government response is to send in troops (martial law).  They knock out the power & thus communication systems.  (Governments have their own communication systems)  They ALWAYS blame boogeymen for knocking out the power.  (rebels, commies, insurgents, religious fanatics, home-grown terrorists – pick-a-patsie)  Troops surround the power plant, but the power doesn’t come back on.  This knocks out refrigeration, water, and with it – sewage disposal in the cities.  Hunger, disease, and violence – abound.

 The government also shuts down the roads ‘to protect people’ & ‘look for terrorists’ of course – while they capture dissidents!  Many people opt to go to government camps to exchange one form of hell for another.  Many die there.  (The feds are hiring ‘detainment’ officers.)  Folks who remain in the cities dig latrines in their back yards – oftentimes defecate and urinate in city street gutters.  Death & disease hang over the land.  Neighbors attack neighbors – kill and eat anything they can find.  Police, military & government workers become targets.  Nothing is fair and nobody is safe in this kind of war.  Men who work for governments come home to find their wives & families – hacked to pieces – by neighbors.  Cannibalism rears its ugly head.  Men take turns guarding their neighbors against looters – set up roadblocks for that purpose.  Gunshots ring out in very dark nights.  It isn’t very pretty, but cities are fairly easy to take down.  And of course – all ‘unclaimed property’ goes to the government - - -

 Things in the country are somewhat different.  EG: The Russians took Afghanistan cities – very quickly.  Rural Afghanis splattered paint onto the Russian tanks so they couldn’t navigate – waited until the troops came out – took their tanks – took out convoys with the tanks.  They tortured Russian troops – mercilessly – for information.  They chained some Russian soldiers to their trucks so they could drive them full of naked, mutilated half-dead Russians & corpses back to their bases – a morale-breaker at best.  In Latin America, the torture extended to destroying their eyes & eardrums & tongues – tightly wrapping wires around various body parts so they rotted off – if they lived long enough.  They tied their victims alongside roads to die beside their uniforms – as warnings to those who followed.  I’ve seen photos.

 What I have described to you has happened in many countries.  I’ve gleaned my information from a lifetime of listening to short wave radios, missionaries, a few war refugees & ‘soldiers of fortune’ – mercenaries who hired themselves out to third world countries, and reading real accounts of what really happened when real countries underwent real economic collapse.  Can this happen here?  You bet.  If you’ve been in the military and killed unarmed citizens overseas; think that this country is the same as where you were – you’re totally unprepared for American military veterans – defending their own turf – armed to the teeth.  Choose another line of work!

 I’m an avowed pacifist.  I speak of these things to try to stop any of this from happening in America.  I want the foreign troops to go home rather than die at the hands of Americans.  I want our troops to understand that it would be a fatal mistake for them and their families to fire on Americans.  Soldier, don’t be an idiot!  Your family was safe if you went to a foreign war.  From all recorded history: That will not be the case if you fire on fellow Americans.  They will murder the children and wives of those who murder their children and other people’s wives & children!  When soldiers fire on their own people, they are no longer heroes.  They are targets, as are their families.  War is hell on earth, and this behavior becomes human nature during war.  In war, life becomes eye-for-an-eye common law across the world!

 If you’re an American soldier, attacking American people, your wife and children will not be safe – from anything – just as the women & children of Iraqi men are not safe from anything in that war zone!  Got it?  Remember it!  If you love your family, go home and protect them!
 Know your enemy rather than becoming an enemy of the people.

 This ‘war’ for our survival – will not so much be won with weapons.  It will be won with truth, with food; people cooperating with each – pooling abilities, skills, bartering & such to survive the collapse that lies ahead.  Different parts of the country will fare quite differently.  We in Vandalia are in an overall much better position than folks who are in large cities, but no place will be very safe.  You will not know if the next person to come to your home will be a beggar, robber, or relative.  We will be forced to band together to protect our lives, our families, our land and possessions.  Let’s do this – as peacefully as we can.

 Identify the real enemy.  Understand: The banksters see ‘we the people’ as their enemy – to be taken down at all cost.  They see troops as expendable – like toilet paper.  They see soldiers who see through their game as their worst enemies.  Our men in uniform need to know this.  We the people are not their enemy.  Their bankster-bosses are the worst enemy the world has ever known.

 Reach out to police and military.  Unlike most countries in the world, Americans are armed – en masse – and things do not go well for uniformed forces – surrounded by armed civilians.  If civil unrest in this country goes ‘hot’ – as has happened in almost all other countries – the armed populace will slaughter police, military, and their families!   Good men will shed their uniforms to leave targets behind.  Choose – carefully.  Being on the wrong side of a revolution can be fatal for you and yours.

 I especially want to reach out to young men in uniforms.  Mr. Uniform, for every person you abuse – you have probably already made at least three enemies – them and a couple of family members.  If you go about – abusing people – you will spend the rest of your life – looking over your shoulder.
 (It may already be too late for you.)

 The German people killed far more of Hitler’s hated SS ‘Fatherland Security’ troops – than allied forces killed. The Germans tracked them down; slaughtered them and their families like animals – sometimes years later – and didn’t go to jail for so doing.  Got it?  Learn from it!  If you have already engaged in common law crimes for against American people for this ‘government’ – your best chances for survival will be for you to leave the country.

 No matter who you are, or what your job is, choose to treat people as you want to be treated – or prepare to spend the rest of your life – however long that may or may not be – looking over your shoulder.  Uniformed forces have won battles against armed civilians, but never in history has a uniformed force won a war against guerilla forces – defending their lives, families, homes and land – and retribution for such wars goes on for years.

 Folks, reach out to your neighbors.  Your life may depend on them.  Don’t become part of the problem by turning to violence.  Become part of the solution by telling others about the collapse to come.  Learn to band together for protection & survival – not retribution.  Food, water, and medical care are most important.  The old Soviet Union fell with minimal bloodshed.  May we be so lucky!

 Let your sheriff know that you’re with him – as long as he chooses to carry out his sworn responsibilities to ‘we the people!’  I think he’ll get the message – and listen.  He probably knows by now, that if he doesn’t, he won’t be long for this world.  Bubba will come after him.  I’m not Bubba – and I don’t know who ‘Bubba’ is – but there are a lot of ‘Bubbas’ in Vandalia.  We the people want Bubba to volunteer to help our sheriffs – not take them out.  Anarchy – is the worst of all worlds.

 Stand for peace.  Don’t fall for violence or fall to violence.  The only possible justification for violence is to STOP otherwise unstoppable violence!

 And please pray for our nation ~~~

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