Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dr. Dahlia Wasfi: The Truth Hurts Lies Kill - Real Truth Behind the Phony Wars Remember, It's Memorial Day

1 comment:

Kwai Chang said...

Quite awesome...
How much more time will pass before each American realizes their individual personal obligation to end the silence, end the ignorance, end the blind obedience and to end the criminal horror that is now associated with our once great that someday we will be able to say "I am an American" without the massive undertones of shame, guilt and dishonor that the statement now carries and implies.
It's Now O'clock, folks! That means all military personell need to start defending The not murdering unarmed civilians...anywhere. That means everyone else turn off Dancing With My Television and start informing yourselves and 'telling the others'...and remember, there is NO NEWS in the mainstream media. They are the reason you are so behind right now...and why it is YOU being eliminated from american idol and no one else!!!
When you witness(become aware of) any wrong doing...YOU ARE, there only two options:
1. Pretend you never saw it
2. Try to fix it one is immune.