Wednesday, May 4, 2011

dinar update if your interested.

dinar update if your interested.

Topic: Planet Dinar will close at 2am EST time.....1am CST time
[12:37:47 AM] david.lebrock: [meatmen4dinar] I have to say that I have never seen all the different sites saying the same thing. This baby is about to be born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we should name her REVALUATION.
[12:39:05 AM] david.lebrock: [grami4] Emperor of GET says from email I just received that Chase says they have a green screen showing 6.12 all can cash in tomorrow
[12:40:31 AM] hutz: wow
[12:40:47 AM] Bonnie Hoyer: thats what I said
[12:41:57 AM] hutz: i am hearing from many sources it has to RV sooner or later . over 6.00 will make them a very rich and powerful counrty
[12:42:49 AM] Bonnie Hoyer: has to rv before june 1 or de facto gets the oil for food trust that has been accumulating funds for 20 years.
[12:42:50 AM] hutz: makes sence to make it as big as you can get it . I believe deals right at the end happened to postpone so far
[12:43:09 AM] hutz: ohh cool
[12:44:32 AM] hutz: like a hundred year contract with China
[12:44:44 AM] hutz: or a thousand years
[12:46:18 AM] Bonnie Hoyer: thats why all the delays, de facto agents were trying to drag it out to get the trust funds that were set in in the fed reserve 20 years ago.  that is why DC is shutting off funds to the states to try and last until june 1.  won't matter now, once the RV happens, that trust is used to pay for the R

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