Monday, May 9, 2011

The American People, meanwhile, are waking up! Take part in the food and farm freedom rally in Washington D.C. on May 16th!

The American People, meanwhile, are waking up! Take part in the food and farm freedom rally in Washington D.C. on May 16th!
... and watch for more rallies, protests and even angry marches in the months ahead as the People get fed up with all the mass poisoning (GMOs, pharma drugs, etc.) and the stripping away of their freedoms by the federal government. The backlash against the TSA, the FDA raids on nutritional companies - and the trillion-dollar bailouts to the wealthy corporate banksters - is gaining momentum.
It's happening on the right and the left. Check out this passionate article by Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, who calls for social justice for the People and a stop to the criminal conduct of the wealthy corporations:

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