Friday, April 29, 2011

We hope you'll join us as Bill and Brian talk with Ted Nugent--a true American idealist who doesn't feel he needs the government's permission to enjoy the inalienable rights that God has given him.

Do you have this image in your head of our American ancestors sitting around the table, assembling in meeting halls, and quietly drafting our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, all with a civilized air and decorum? They were, after all, of British lineage, stiff upper lip and all that.
I have a different picture. Had they been thoroughly British, they never would have broken from England. I think our Founders were brash, passionate, fiercely independent, and with a great American spirit...
... pretty much like our guest on Off the Grid Radio this week.
We hope you'll join us as Bill and Brian talk with Ted Nugent--a true American idealist who doesn't feel he needs the government's permission to enjoy the inalienable rights that God has given him. An avid hunter, outdoor enthusiast, author, and rock and roll singer, Nugent is a firebrand that refuses to apologize for the great American spirit that has been part of our culture from the beginning.
You'll enjoy this hour of passionate insight, encouragement, enthusiasm, and commentary on the state of our society, what we must do to turn things around, and the awakening spirit of defiance Nugent sees roiling across the country as more people take a stand on the issues of excellence and freedom, and the very ideals that made this nation great.

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