Thursday, March 31, 2011

THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2011 The End of America and The Rise of China


The End of America and The Rise of China

2011 and events are in train: states going bankrupt, debt through the roof; USA entering yet another military conflict for oil( Libya) while we face numerous crises at the same time - Middle East and Northern Africa, earthquake and tsunami in Japan (to be followed by the economic tsunami); record oil prices.Wikileak cables suggest that Saudi oil reserves could be 40% lower than estimated. The implication is that the price of oil will continue to rise and that the Chinese will be able to afford the oil with their huge cash reserves while the Americans will not. Meanwhile the US spends next to nothing on energy development. Max says that peak oil combined with peak credit in 2007 to produce "peak globalization".
The source of this new information was Sadad al-Husseini, a senior geologist and former head of exploration at the Saudi oil monopoly Aramco who, the cables revealed, disputed the official figure of 716bn barrels of total reserves. In further cables, the US embassy suggested that Saudi Arabia would not be able to prevent oil prices from going through the roof because it could not produce enough.

The USA is doomed. All you have to do is look at the fundamentals of the monetary system, and the corrupt corpratism that controls the leadership. Freedom of speech? Only in the most general sense. No free society would allow an abomination like The Patriot Act. Countries that have embraced multiculturalism are falling apart everywhere, because the statist/collectivist mentality is not economically sustainable in the long run.

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