Thursday, March 3, 2011

tbikacs.. 5:00am..Whoa there Hombre , sounds like Disinfo to me…..Russia had few Gnostics, most were centered in the Mideast and western Europe, they survival in orthodoxy and communism was very limited.
It is the Satanists and Lucerferians that terrorize for fun and profit/power. Rakovsky is mistaken, Gnosticism
is the pure line of Christianity his Orthodoxy is a splinter of Roman Catholism, It’s here that the TPTB
Very Likely Jefferson, Franklin and many others of Templar
Gnosticism gave us our precious Constitution as Gnostics ,I am a Gnostic myself and if you have read my posts you will
see one in action. How does one become a Gnostic ,research ,history , transmitted knowledge, and a strong desire to know ,not just believe.
If Jesus’s Gnostic directions for living, are applied today ,you can be sure that the TPTB will be vanquished, I am not so “anti” a world ,sovereign states, Collective, just not a NWO put forth by Corporate rapers like old Henry K and his devilish underlings and of course the P’s and R’s and the rest who have stolen it all.
Your war cry on Gnostics smacks of Romanism inspired by the church of Paul, the hosts of the Illumanati and P2
these are in power and have been through Vatican Monarchy
and blessed kingship lorded over the slaves ,serfs ,commoners for 2000 years.
Just my take for conversation…..

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