Friday, March 4, 2011

The Spirit Declares; All who are sensitive to Me and Holy Spirit knows that harvest time is drawing near.

The Spirit Declares;
All who are sensitive to Me and Holy Spirit knows that harvest time is drawing near.

I have allowed the wheat and the tare to continue to grow together until they are ripe to maturity. The enemy has done his job to deviously slip in My fields and plant tares, it will not stunt the maturity of the genuine wheat. The false doctrine and false teaching has been uttered with all that is whole and sound. Side by side lies have been uttered with truth, the true wheat has discerned between what is holy and that which is unholy. My Word, rightly divided by those of a pure heart and those longing to walk with Me, will remain. Prayer forms a shield upon the wheat to keep them firmly rooted to My Word without pulling them out when their roots are growing so strongly. At the same time, prayer, kills and weakens the tares causing many of them to lose hold of the ground of the fields that they have been sown in. Soon I will call for the tares to be bundled and burned, for My justice demands the end-time separation. Tares are consumed with the need of friendship and acceptability with the world. While My maturing wheat knows deep within when the enemy has twisted My Word to accommodate continued confusion and sin, and adultery with the world. Many false teachers and prophets have twisted My Word to promote their own agenda, by doing so they have lead many that were easily led, astray. You are genuine wheat when you love Me and my Word. This keeps you on the strait and narrow path, but the true Way. Be patient therefore, My children, unto My coming. I am the farmer of the field and I look and wait for My precious harvest. I Am giving to you now both the former and the latter rain to moisten and stay revived. Sensitive to the Lover of your soul.
This rain is given to give to you more grace, so that you may begin to look deeper inside and appreciate what I Am doing within. In the places of obscurity, in those unseen places hidden from human eyes, I have been making fuller and richer produce in you. Many of you are ripe and ready to be squeezed for your destiny in Me. You are My watered garden, I take care of all that is Mine. Even now when you seem to be barren, I Am still causing you to produce beyond your own ability, it is now My grace, abounding. So now I implore you to look beyond the temporal and keep your eyes on the eternal. It is as you are heavenly minded that then your prayers are extended toward the lost generation, your giving is towards those who can not bring you gain, and your loving is unselfish, more like Mine. My wheat is then truly rooted to all that matters and that is the Kingdom, not the temporary things of earth. That is when you will see your greatest potential, when you die to your self, then you will really begin to live in Me.
Scriptural References : Mtt.13:25-30; 37-40; 2 Corin. 4:16-18; James 5:7

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