Friday, March 4, 2011

Message From Archangel Michael, March 2011

Message From Archangel Michael, March 2011

Rumormill News
CGI's BOMER: Message From Archangel Michael, March 2011 - “Spread Your Wings And Soar"
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Friday, 4-Mar-2011 00:34:35
Dear Ones, The time has come when you must each choose to use your time wisely. Your time in the third/ fourth dimension is accelerating so quickly that you must choose in each now moment how to make the most of each opportunity presented to you.
How will you take advantage of this most wondrous opportunity of ascension? How will you choose to bring forth your gifts and talents to fulfill your divine mission? You may choose your reality in every now moment,

and you may choose which talents and which gifts you will share with your brothers and sisters. You may choose how much of your divine mission
you will fulfill each day and how much of your divine mission you will fulfill in this lifetime. You have the choice.

We ask you to spread your wings and soar, dear ones. We ask you to step out of your comfort zone, and to ask us to assist you in all your endeavors. 
Remember, to have our assistance you must be creating that which is for the highest good, in the intentions of purity within your sacred heart. We ask you to transcend fear, dear ones. Fear is debilitating, it is paralyzing,
and does not serve your highest good. We ask you to go within your matrix as we have taught you, and specifically focus on the release of fear.

So many of you are weary, so many of you are impatient, so many of you are discouraged, and we ask you to go the distance. We ask you to dig deep, and to know that you are living a Cosmic Moment which is unprecedented. Yet there is the illusion of time, still in place for you, and you must still work within this parameter. Seek unconditional love, seek joy, seek peace, seek harmony, seek abundance.

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