Sunday, March 27, 2011

jsspa – thanks for posting the video from the Aussie in Toykyo- very sad, hard to watch, but to honor those in Japan that are going through this horrible tragedy, I watched it. Ever since the EQ happened, it has affected me deeply – I have had a hard time sleeping, I’ve been an feeling an incredible sadness.
At this point, regarding the risk of radiation to the US, we are not being told the truth by any MSM. I know the risk is much greater than is being reported. When I read Cliff High’s latest report, I have to say that it did reasonate with me, as much as I dont want to admit it. However, maybe Im living in a fantasy, but I not going to allow the reality of this to overcome me. I am fighting it with all of my power I can summon – I have been concentrating on healing, for myself, for those in Japan, for the earth and for anyone else that may be affected whether in the US or other parts of the world.
Malia – I did watch that video you posted about Japan sinking into the ocean. I have seen a few other video’s done by this guy and he comes across to me as someone who is credible and does seem to have a good background and knowledge of geology and science. I do think too that there are many other factors at play here, so of course not being in the know of those other factors, its hard to say how this will play out.
Your question about NESARA and if it is the same thing as the Global Settlements that TMAN and Paladin talk about – No, NESARA is totally different. The Global Settlements that are talked about by TMAN and Paladin are money that is being recovered from all the money stolen by the Bushes’, Clinton, Soros, ect. and it is supposed to be distributed to about 140 countries around the world, to be used to help all of their economies, and it is not given to Individuals per say.
One other thing I wanted to touch on: The signs of our time in this mindset and belief system ending. The deaths of major Icons, like Farrah Faucet, Michael Jackson, and just recently, Elizabeth Taylor and Geraldine Ferraro. All of these people represented major parts of our culture, and how the current belief system shapes it. I see Michael Jackson representing the children of this world, who have not been valued, have been abused and hurt and used for profit. As much good as Michael produced, he also demonstrated how growing up in these conditions had very negative consequences on how he related to the world and his ability to find love and peace. He mutilated his own body to escape the pain and abuse that was perpetrated on him and you see that in many other children now, with Anorexia and Bulimia, drug addiction and leading a lifestyle that ends in destruction.
On Farrah Faucet, she was Icon of the beautiful, sexy type of woman that so many women have tried and still try to emulate. She was defined by her beauty and sexuality. I think almost every male in America had her poster on their wall in the 1970’s. Women are still defined by their looks, which is obvious in how they are portrayed and talked about on the media. A woman who pursue’s a career in politics or some intellectual path is not evaluated for her intelligent views or ideas, or accomplishments. What you hear is about is her hairstyle, her clothes or her body. A perfect example which only happened days ago was George Lopez making fun of Christie Alley on Dancing with the Stars, comparing her to a pig. Women have far more to offer this world than their beauty and I believe the death of these stars will lead to a change in how women are perceived.
Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to become a vice presidential candidate, and icon for her accomplishments in making progress in this area. In a world ruled mostly by men, this was a big accomplishment. I see her death as an opportunity to take another look at the way that women can contribute to our leadership, as when someone dies, attention is given to their life and the things they did. I realize that they are many women that are in leadership positions today that are not going in a good direction, like Janet Napolitano for example, but the women that are working in service of the elite are operating on an agenda right along with all the men as well.
Elizabeth Taylor – she was an Icon of Hollywood, of the ultimate illusion that has been so carefully created. I see her death as the sign that this illusion is crumbling and will implode. The lifestyle of absolute excess, of superficial “perfection” that is shown in so many movies and tv shows, which many have come to see as “normal”. Where the people in these stories find a resolution to serious conflicts in their relationships and lives in a nice, neat little soundbite by the end of the half hour or two hour movie. As this illusion implodes, people will come to realize that the problems they struggle with are resolved over time, and sometimes they dont get resolved all the way, but bit by bit. That it takes hard work, love, and patience to address conflicts with friends, family members, spouses and children – and always compromise. The idea that more stuff will make you happy will dissipate, and be once again, the moments you share with those you love, doing the right thing, helping others, and creating communities based on working together where you actually know your neighbors and take the time to have coffee with them.

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