Thursday, March 3, 2011

It’s the intention of implanting a Fractionary Reserve Banking System. This should be obvious by now

“Meanwhile, the Gnostic faction has contacted the White Dragon Society to inform it they would continue toppling all autocratic regimes in the Middle-East and elsewhere. Sources in MI6 and the Japanese Cabinet have confirmed this by saying the Saudi Regime will be taken down after the Libyan campaign ends. Syria is also on the hit list, they say.”
As I have always known, muslims have their Sharia Economic System, which condemns usury.
There is no mystery to the revolts in Africa.
It’s the intention of implanting a Fractionary Reserve Banking System. This should be obvious by now.
And having and evil dictator is one of the best excuses to impose “democracy” on those countries.
We who live in domocratic countries already complain about the supposed democracy we live in because it simply does not work, and it generates a lot of problems, and yet there they are trying to bring this false democracy onto these countries which live in a feudal society.
Don’t be blindfolded by the apparent happiness of the locals. Just wait for democracy to start functioning.
Eventually there’ll be very rich and very poor.
Remeber how TPTB work.
They do things slowly and subtly so no one knows.

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