Friday, March 4, 2011

If You Only Knew

Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

If You Only Knew

March 1, 2011
Oh, be joyful. Oh, rejoice, for the Lord comes to rule the land. Be glad, oh earth, and SHOUT. Shout joyfully unto God, for He topples the governments of the earth to take up His reign. And they will become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rejoice, child. Rejoice, land for God will be with His people in joy and gladness. Let the earth, so connected to man that he/she was created out of it, also rejoice and be glad, for the Lord comes to rule the land.
Oh, rejoice, for the angels are rejoicing. Oh, rejoice for heaven is rejoicing. If you only knew the dimensions of what is coming soon, if you only knew, you would burst with gladness. Share My joy, My beloved. Be with Me in My joy. 

Psalm 66:1-2 Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth. Sing forth the honor and glory of His name; make His praise glorious! 
See the Mighty Acts of God
Love Him forever! Forever praise Him! Call upon His name with awe and rejoicing, for forever He IS your God. Hallelujah!
Yes, rejoice in the Lord our God and bless Him, for the time for such a thing has truly come. It's all rejoicing now, for the final acts of God come to fruition and culmination. Therefore, I say to you, My people, Rejoice! Oh, rejoice.
Now the Lord your God speaks and says, Momentous happenings are coming upon the earth. You will see them. This generation will see them with their eyes, that is, their natural vision, for God will "rend the heavens and come down," answering Isaiah's prayer in these end times. The mighty Acts of God will be seen and openly manifest. Like the Acts of the Apostles, these acts will be written in a book, to be eulogized for all eternity. Praise God! Now is the time for exuberant praise!
Isaiah 64:1 Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down.
Beauty for Ashes

February 14, 2011
I AM your God! You have no other. See what I will do. I plan to show you good, in a way and quality you have not seen before, because I want to bless you. Believe and receive, I adjure you, because I don't want to be frustrated in this, My great desire to bless you.
Moreover, I-AM-God wants to bless His people in general, to bring blessing, to show them forth as His very own, to give them double recompense for all they forfeited to the enemy who stole from them through lying and deceit. I want to give them beauty for ashes and glory for all of their shame.
Oh, this is My heart's desire, My ache and My yearning. The time has come. The moad, the moment has arrived.
"When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth." Show Me your faith now, that I might bless you in the way I so greatly desire to do. Amen!
Note: Moad means "appointed time," a specific, set time, as in a medical appointment.

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