Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hurtz…..Executive Orders reach only to POTUS cabinet memebers….Obozo is such a miscreat he doesn’t understand that he has no power to make law!
Executive Orders are operating directions to his staff, Obama cannot ENFORCE any executive order if nobody follows it because IT ISN’T A LAW!
Obama needs to go hid in his hole in the ground with the Bushes and Clintons….the Lord will take care of them real fast come March 15th!
Take cover people, they say it could be a 30degree pole shift….there are so many qualified NASA youtubes about it…if you haven’t taken the time to listen to them; you should start.
5 months of food—canned goods (no electricity)
5 months of water— no telling what will be in
the rivers once yellowstone blows and the new madrid fault blows…all caused by Nibiru this planet is 100% magnetic and is 5 times larger than jupiter—March 15th it lines up with earth and the sun and a few other planets……gonna be rough—get ready–after March 15—everything on this planet will be different!

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