Thursday, March 3, 2011


I began this study as the result of a single idea I had encountered. The concept is certainly not a new one, and at first it seems narrow in scope. The idea is nevertheless quite important because it addresses a motivation which can only be formulated by creatures of high intelligence:War can be its own valuable commodity.The simple existence of violent conflict between groups of people can, in itself, be valuable to someone regardless of the issues over which people are fighting. An obvious example is an armaments manufacturer selling military hardware to warring nations, or a lending institution making loans to governments during wartime. Both can achieve an economic benefit from the mere existence of war as long as the violence does not directly touch them.The value of war as a commodity extends well beyond monetary gain:War can be an effective tool for maintaining social and political control over a large population.
I will admit that when I began my research I had a bias about what I was expecting to find: a human profit motive as the common thread which links various third-party influences in mankind’s violent history. What I found instead was the UFO.
A great many people throughout Europe and other Plague- stricken regions of the world were reporting that outbreaks of the Plague were caused by foul-smelling “mists.” Those mists frequently appeared after unusually bright lights in the sky. The historian quickly discovers that “mists” and bright lights were reported far more frequently and in many more locations than were rodent infestations. The Plague years were, in fact, a period of heavy UFO activity.
The link between unusual aerial phenomena and the Black Death was established immediately during the first outbreaks of the Plague in Asia.
The above passage indicates that strange flying objects were doing more than just spreading disease: they were also apparently spraying chemical or biological defoliants from the air. The above passage echoes the ancient Mesopotamian tablets which described defoliation of the landscape by ancient Custodial “gods.” Many human casualties may have been caused by such defoliants.
As we shall now begin to carefully document, the Brother-hood of the Snake has been the world’s most effective tool for preserving mankind’s status as a spiritually ignorant creature of toil throughout all of history. During all of that time, and continuing today, the Brotherhood and its network of organizations have remained intimately tied to the UFO phenomenon. This corruption of the Brotherhood, and the overwhelming effect it would have on human society, was already apparent by the year 2000 B.C. in ancient Egypt…
(Bramley maintains that the many secret societies corrupted human society for profit and control, but that they, in turn, were influenced by the UFO phenomena from the very beginning of human civilization).

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