Thursday, March 3, 2011

Giant Underground Chamber Discovered On the Moon
Jesus Diaz — Giant Underground Chamber Discovered On the MoonBack in 2009, the Japanese Space Agency JAXA announced moon hole deep enough to contain a small human base. Now, the Indian Space Research Organization has discovered a “giant underground chamber” near the Moon’s equator, in the Oceanus Procellarum area.
The huge cave— discovered by the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft—is more than one mile long (1.7 kilometers) and 393 feet wide (120 meters). By comparison, the vertical hole that Jaxa discovered was only 213 feet (65 meters across) and 289 feet deep (88 meters). This new chamber is big enough to contain a small lunar city or a secret Nazi base with a few thousand UFOs.!5773346/giant-underground-chamber-discovered-in-the-moon
ISRO finds cave in moon, can be used as base station for astronauts
By SiliconIndia
Friday, 25 February 2011, 08:04 IST
New Delhi: Scientists at the Indian Space Research Organization have discovered a giant underground chamber on the moon, which they feel could be used as a base by astronauts on future manned missions to moon

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