Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daryl 8:28 pm….Your question regarding Judas ,…..
He was a zealot and Rabbi Jesus twin brother called
Didymius (the twin)Judas Christus and his brother was the Gnostic healer Rabbi Yesu Ben Joseph…….Judas was the actual twin birth brother of Jesus, He was the one who died fighting the Romans final assault .
Because Jesus was the illegitimate son of Centurion Panthera
who served as a soldier of Rome and the Herodotian princess
Miriam, the brothers were royal children, Davidic and Roman. , After soldiering in the Army Tiberius (called Panthera), the twins father ,and father of over 80 other children of many mothers spread throughout the empire was elevated to Emperor, Another zealot carried the cross and was cruixified in the place of Jesus because as a royal child could not be
executed, so Jesus was sold into exile and he and Thomas traveled all through the East , His tomb is allegedly in India. Judas and Jesus worked for the liberation of Roman Palestine. Jewish writers have Jesus being stoned to death in the 60tys though this may be sour grapes……this is one of the Gnostic takes on Jesus…..Remember Jesus is not deified until the 4th century by Constantine and the Nicene Council.Constantine was privy to the knowledge that Jesus and Judas were the spawn of Tiberius and therefore
the Good Rabbi could be elevated and
deified like Constantine. Yes I know ,it goes against the Roman creation of “Crosstianity” however many Gnostic texts and gospels tell a very different tale than that you may all have received in Fundischool , the death of millions of the Gnostics , the destruction of many ofthe earliest accounts and their forced going underground,escaping victims of the Pauline Heresies
and organized suppressions and murders.
Now Daryl ,Patience as Constantine would tell you Rome wasn’t built in a day , the Dollar can crash and Americans will buck up and not become unorginanised howling dogs that would lose the Merc’s on our people as planned by the TPTB.
Resistance is not futile however this is the time to try to get to know the ENEMY and be clear and patient
.Know you that the Gnostics have gone public and they represent a long hidden,secret undercurrent of Power.the possessors of the Grail knowledge.
However ,many here had never heard of them until Hopesprings reacted so violently to my alternative history lessons. be sure of one thing though most all we have been told is disinformation ,not wise to react to this . and
everything we know is wrong purposely and always subject to Change.

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