Sunday, February 13, 2011

Comment by merek on February 14, 2011

“Gold is not wealth, neither is a huge concentration of fiat tokens. A society is wealthy and prosperous when
true bearer share stock markets create interdependent private property ownership. Self motivation to create
more goods and services spurred by competition creates a virtuous cycle.
Comment by beatbox151 on February 14, 2011 @ 2:28 am
Beat Box, can’t quite agree ,If you have gold better hold on……I think private property is sterling but when someone like Boone Pickens can control the Ogalia Aquifer

and the underground water rights to N. Texas watersheds it’s just carrying rapicious capitalism too fecken far .
Also ,the stock market and it’s minions have ripped ,robbed and stolen from the Muni’s ,securities ,stocks and even our collective gold Stash ( some report 90 % of Bank gold holdings are gold coated tungstan ).
Like Egypt, people are waking from years of insider manipulations that have repeatedly looted the nations retirement funds., this system of unchecked consumption and escalating profits, while destroying our collective industrial means of production as whole has caused factories to be shipped out of the US to avoid taxes and payment of living wages.
Capitalism without oversight by honest representitives of the people will soon wither in the face of the worlds declining resource base .
If China decides to keep producing flat screens and electronics with their stash of rare earths the IT age of the rest of us will shrink,
We should maintain private ownerships, of business ,homes and farms but limit the value of those holdings with a flat tax of 75% on all corporate or private holdings above a very satisfactory 10 untaxed Million.
Free Enterprise is not free ,as we have all seen and until we corral the crooks and thieves and enroll them and their corrupt corporate lobbyists and
political bag men in CLUB FED we will continue to slide down hill to a return to Feudal slavery and a greed destroying,
runamuck, assault on our environment like BP in the Gulf.
The difference between many of my posts and some others here is that I often ,for better or worst include my take on things ,
Those of you that can’t find the energy to scroll down through long posts without reading perhaps better renue your subscriptions to the Readers Digest. one line replies without addresses means you will be better off on Face book or the other superficial, monitored and censored sites .
Quit kicking Hutz as his desire for change to responsible government is commendable if some what lenghty at times, but then so am I and then there are the other more productive
posters here also.
WE already have a corrupt Republic and we will all have to deal with this in the near future.
If Hutz is boring you just scroll down and if this is too difficult ,pack up and travel to less informative sites ,where the Space Aliens ,Channeled information,and political or religious propaganda are dish out by some “Fearless Leader” and wanna-be sage.
Again ,please explain why “Steady State” capitalism
and wise resource management is not superior to the present
activities. More is not better, more is just more in our land fills when dealing with planned obsolesence rather than building for lenghty usuage

1 comment:

discounted desktop systems said...

So help me understand - moving 900 people from Kennilwerth to Whitehouse Station, closing down manufacturing in KW, adding 100k sq ft of work space (lots of jobs during that 12-24 months of construction), then moving all the Biologic workforce to this site long-term from KW as well as Rahway & a few other locations around the country, while expanding their research in this area.