Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Aspartame - Rumsfeld's Bioweapon Legacy Dr. Betty Martini, Founder Mission Possible Intl 8-20-5

Before reading this article everyone should hear James Turner,
Atty, explain how Don Rumsfeld called in his markers to get 
aspartame, a deadly chemical poison approved when the FDA 
said no: The
 entire film can be gotten at
Among the many ironies of our modern world is that Gerald Ford 
awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom-America,s highest civilian
 honor-to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on January 19, 1977. 
Just a few weeks later on March 8, Rumsfeld became the CEO of G.D. 
Searle to take point on a mission to force the Food and Drug 
Administration to approve for human consumption a known carcinogen 
and neurotoxic poison.
Mission accomplished: Today some 9,000 commonly consumed
 products are laced with this weapon of mass misery and millions of people 
live with chronic illnesses linked to the artificial sweetener aspartame. 
It is our belief at The Idaho Observer that if some guy named Parkinson can
 have a disease named after him, then Donald Rumsfeld ought to have his 
own disease, too. Hence the term Rumsfeld disease A.
Rumsfeld's Disease
A Politically-Induced Biochemical
Disaster Of Global Proportions
By Don Harkins
The Idaho Observer
Today, Donald Rumsfeld is known throughout the world as the zealous
 U.S. Secretary of Defense who is waging a global "war on terror" in search
 of "terrorists" and "weapons of mass destruction." Most people, however, 
are not aware that Rumsfeld himself unleashed a chemical weapon of mass 
destruction upon the world in 1981-and it,s still out there destroying people
 all over the world. That "WMD" is aspartame and it has been scientifically
 and anecdotally linked to millions of chronic illnesses and deaths.
The evidence shows that, with full knowledge of aspartame,s neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity, Rumsfeld, as the CEO of G.D.
Searle, Co., "called in his markers" to achieve U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) approval for the artificial sweetener aspartame,
 better known by its trade name "NutraSweet."
Consumer advocate attorney Jim Turner, who was instrumental in the 
1969 banning of cyclamate in the U.S. for its link to various forms of 
cancer, met with representatives of aspartame approval petitioner Searle
 in 1974. The main topic of discussion was neuroscientist Dr. John Olney,s
 1971 study which showed that aspartic acid caused lesions in the brains 
of infant mice. According to Turner, arguably the world,s foremost authority 
on aspartame,s dubious legal history, Rumsfeld was apparently hired by 
Searle for one specific purpose: To obtain FDA approval for aspartame.
Betty Martini is the director of Mission Possible, a worldwide consumer 
advocacy organization formed in 1992 as a voice for those demanding that
 the FDA reverse its approval of aspartame and order its removal from
 foods, beverages and medical preparations. Martini is even more bold in
 her charges against Rumsfeld. Martini believes the Washington insider, 
former three-term U.S. Rep. From Illinois (1962-1968), secretary of defense 
(1975-1977) and executive assistant to President Gerald Ford, was hired by 
Searle because, "He was willing to get a deadly chemical poison, aspartame, 
approved for human consumption"
In December, 1965 Searle chemist James Schlatter discovered
 aspartame while working on an ulcer drug. The substance, comprised 
of 50 percent synthetic phenylalanine, 40 percent synthetic aspartic acid 
and 10 percent methanol, was about 200 times sweeter than sugar by 
weight and had no calories. By spring, 1967, Searle began conducting 
safety trials in preparation for petitioning the FDA for product approval.
Soon after the trials began, lab animals (monkeys and mice) began 
experiencing adverse effects ranging from brain lesions and tumors to 
seizures and death. Yet Searle petitioned the FDA for aspartame 
approval in February, 
1973. According to Turner, Searle provided the FDA with over 100 
studies claiming they proved aspartame was "safe." Independent analyses
 of these studies, however, proves conclusively that aspartame is actually 
a dangerous, neurotoxic, carcinogenic and highly-addictive drug.
Trusting Searle,s promise that aspartame was safe, the FDA approved the
 limited use of aspartame in dry goods on July 26, 1974. Turner and 
Dr. Olney formally objected to the approval. Their petition triggered 
an FDA investigation of Searle,s lab practices which proved that Searle 
had provided the FDA with inaccurate conclusions resulting from manipulated 
data derived from poorly-designed studies. The FDA reversed its decision 
to approve aspartame in dry goods.
On January 10, 1977, the FDA formally requested that the U.S.
 Department of Justice convene a federal grand jury to determine if 
Searle should be criminally indicted for "concealing material facts and 
making false statements" with regard to its petition for aspartame approval.
Among the many charges FDA investigators made about Searle,s shoddy 
lab practices was how rats that developed tumors would undergo
 surgical removal of the tumors and then be placed back into the study 
as if nothing had happened to them.
The grand jury investigation was led by U.S. Attorney Samuel Skinner. 
In July 1, 1977, while the investigation was being conducted, Skinner 
left the Justice Department and took a job with Sidley & Austin-the
 law firm representing Searle. The statute of limitations eventually ran out and the 
grand jury disbanded without reaching any conclusions regarding Searle 
and its lab practices.
Amid this controversy, Rumsfeld was hired as Searle CEO on 
March 8, 1977 and immediately began cleaning house. Rumsfeld, who 
had no previous business executive experience before becoming 
CEO of Searle, reorganized several departments in the company 
and fired many of its high-level managers, replacing them with other 
politically-connected Washington, D.C., insiders.
Though the controversies deepened and the evidence proving the
 poisonous nature of his company,s product continued to accumulate,
 and his team continued to push for FDA approval of aspartame.
A team of FDA investigators headed by Jerome Bressler attempted to
 block Rumsfeld, et. al, by publishing what has become known as the 
"Bressler Report" on August 1, 1977. The report cited several instances 
where Searle intentionally mislead the FDA in its petition for marketplace 
approval of aspartame. The FDA then formed a public board of inquiry
 (PBOI) in 1979 to rule on the myriad safety issues surrounding aspartame.
By this time, FDA investigators and independent scientists had exhaustively
 reviewed the Searle studies and additional studies had been conducted.
 There was no doubt, based upon objective analyses of evidence that had 
accumulated for over a decade, that aspartame was deathly poisonous to lab
 animals and caused a statistically significant number of them to develop tumors.
On September 30, 1980, the PBOI concluded that aspartame should not
 be approved pending further investigation of its link to the formation of 
brain tumors and that the FDA "has not been presented with proof of 
easonable certainty that aspartame is safe for use as a food additive."
The coup
Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president January 21, 1981. Rumsfeld, 
while still CEO at Searle, was part of Reagan,s transition team. This team
 hand-picked Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., to be the new FDA commissioner.
 Dr. Hayes, 
a pharmacologist, had no previous experience with food additives before 
being appointed director of the FDA. He, like Rumsfeld, did, however, 
have experience with chemical warfare studies while connected to the 
Department of Defense. According to The Washington Post, Hayes was, 
"one of a number of doctors who conducted drugs tests for the Army on determine the effect of a mind-disorienting drug called CAR 
301,060," at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
The Post further explained why Hayes was the perfect choice to politically 
force the approval of aspartame: "According to a declassified 1976 report 
prepared by the Army Inspector General, Hayes had planned a research 
study to develop the mind-altering CAR 301,060 as a crowd control agent."
The report, detailing Hayes activities beginning in 1972, further indicated 
that Hayes was involved in similar biochemical mind control research studies
 until being named FDA director.
One of Hayes, first official acts as FDA chief was to approve the use of 
aspartame as an artificial sweetener in dry goods July 18, 1981. In order to 
accomplish this feat, Hayes had to overlook the scuttled grand jury investigation 
of Searle, overcome the Bressler Report, ignore the PBOI,s recommendations
 and pretend aspartame did not chronically sicken and kill thousands of lab 
animals. Hayes, left his post at the FDA in November, 1983, amid accusations
that he was accepting corporate gifts for political favors. Just before leaving 
office in scandal, Hayes approved the use of aspartame in beverages. According to 
The Post, Hayes, next job was in the private sector where he served as a high-paid senior
 medical advisor for Searle,s public relations firm.
The aftermath
Within weeks of aspartame,s approval for use in beverages, cans of diet sodas 
and other sweet drinks were on the market. To help sell Americans on using the 
artificial sweetener, intense advertising campaigns began programming the public 
to believe that sugar has lots of calories; calories make us fat and NutraSweet 
has no calories-therefore it won,t make us fat.
Based upon this almost universally-accepted oversimplification of biochemical
 reality, aspartame has enjoyed 22 years of marketplace success and is now in an 
estimated 7,000 to 9,000 commonly-consumed products in at least 100 countries.
 When Searle was absorbed by Monsanto in 1985, Rumsfeld reportedly received
 a $12 million bonus.
Not surprisingly, the same adverse reactions seen in lab animals in the 60s and 
70s are now being seen in the general population. In his first book on 
aspartame (1990), Dr. H.J. Roberts stated that in five or 10 years we would
 have a worldwide plague on our hands if we do not remove aspartame from 
our food supply. With the printing of "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic
 (2001), Dr. Roberts declared that the world is, indeed, plagued by a global 
epidemic of symptoms associated with aspartame use.
* Aspartame is being identified by a growing number of researchers and 
physicians as an underlying cause of chronic ill health in America and other
 countries throughout the world.
* It interacts with other substances such as pharmaceutical drugs to produce 
adverse reactions.
* All metabolites of aspartame (formaldehyde, methanol, diketopiperazine and
 formic acid) are toxic to the human body and are especially toxic to the brain.
* Aspartame comprises over 80 percent of consumer complaints filed with the 
* The FDA has generated a list of 92 symptoms associated with aspartame
 consumption that include nausea, dizziness, irritability, insanity, blindness, 
deafness, weight gain and death.
* The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that 500,000 people
 each year simply "drop dead" for no apparent reason from what it labels "sudden 
cardiac death."
* Dementia among all ages (especially the elderly) and learning disabilities among 
children, in the U.S. and abroad, have been skyrocketing since 1981.
As of today, the number of scientific and studies showing that aspartame is, indeed, an underlying cause of chronic physical and mental illness and death out number studies proving its safety by at least 400 to zero. Proof of this fact can also be determined
 by what happens in many cases when people stop using aspartame: Their chronic symptoms disappear.
The legacy
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by 
President Gerald Ford-the highest civilian honor in America-on January 19, 1977. 
A few months later, Rumsfeld became the CEO of Searle to secure political 
approval for a product that science had proven to be a highly-addictive neurotoxic 
rug that causes chronic ill health, brain tumors and death. The evidence indicates that
 FDA approval for aspartame was a high-level political priority undoubtedly 
connected to its capacity to adversely effect the minds and bodies of those 
consuming it.
Because Rumsfeld placed politics above public health and safety, hundreds
 of millions of people throughout the world cannot think clearly and suffer from 
a variety of chronic illnesses. It is, therefore, fitting that symptoms associated 
with aspartame use be known as "Rumsfeld,s disease."
Caption: The search of a suitable picture of Donald Rumsfeld turned up this 
image from Portland Indy Media. Though it may seem satirical, is it? What goes
 through the mind of a man who knowingly poisons his own people?
End of Article
Note from Betty Martini:
Only yesterday in national news we learned diet and low calorie pop will be
 left in schools which will poison our children. As an example, Coke Zero has 
aspartame. Aspartame is a chemical hypersensitization agent because it is a 
neurotoxic drug/chemical poison. It not only interacts with all drugs but all 
vaccines and other toxins and unsafe sweeteners like Splenda, a chlorocarbon 
poison. So our children don't have a chance. Only a few weeks ago an 
epidemiological study by Sharon Fowler at the University of Texas based on
 8 years data links diet drinks with obesity. Aspartame also can precipitate 
diabetes, simulates and aggravates diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, 
destroys the optic nerve and interacts with insulin.
In July a 3 year Italian study was released by the European Foundation for 
Oncology and Environmental Sciences which revealed it causes leukemia, 
lymphoma and malignant brain tumors. Their July 14 05 report declares: "
The results demonstrate ... that aspartame is a carcinogenic agent." How
 many mothers knowing this would want their children drinking an addictive 
carcinogenic agent. Aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol which causes 
chronic methanol poisoning. This affects the dopamine system of the brain 
and causes addiction. Now understand why the pop companies want this 
poison in your schools which causes Rumsfeld Disease.
Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., one of the world's leading authorities 
on aspartame neurotoxicity, extensively reviewed the Soffritti report.
 "This study confirmed the previous study by Dr. Trocho and co-workers 
(l998), which also found the formaldehyde breakdown product of aspartame 
to be damaging to cellular DNA and that this damage was cumulative. 
The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers. These
 two studies strongly indicate that drinking a single diet cola sweetened with 
aspartame every day could significantly increase one's risk of developing a l
ymphoma or leukemia."
Dr. Blaylock said further "This study should terrify mothers and all those 
consuming aspartame sweetened products. This was a carefully done study 
which clearly demonstrated a statistically significant increase in several types of
 lymphomas and leukemias in rats. Both of these malignancies have increased
 significantly in this country since the widespread use of aspartame."
Only the animals exposed to aspartame developed malignant brain tumors 
and we are now taking aspartame brain tumor cases for litigation in 
New York, New Jersey, Madison County,Illinois and Mississippi. Simply
 contact me at
Dr. Blaylock also said "They found that even lower doses of aspartame
 could cause these malignancies, yet the higher the dose, the more cancers
 that were seen. Since aspartame can increase obesity and may even cause
 the metabolic syndrome that affects 48 million Americans, there is no 
reason to ever consume this product. At the least, it should be immediately
 banned from all schools."
Any mother reading this article with children in school should immediately take
 this to their principal, children's teacher and PTA along with the movie, Sweet
 Misery, and demand that all products with aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful, E951/Canderel/Benevia, etc.) and especially pop with this poison be
 removed - period, no if's, no and's and no but's. And Board of Educations
 should also remove the lobbyists and those who would offer money to keep
 poisoned pop in schools. How much is the brain of your child worth.
 Remember this is the cause of the epidemic of ADD, ADHD, autism,
 Tourettes, and behavioral problems.
For documentation of this read the experts books:
Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic
H. J. Roberts, M.D.
or             1 800 827 7991      
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and Health & Nutrition Secrets
By neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Web sites: and Aspartame
 Toxicity Center,
Aspartame Information List, Get involved
Rumsfeld Disease may become one of the largest plagues in world history. 
The list of horrors is unending. Thanks to despicable and greedy Big 
Pharma/Codex, in England supplements from industry now contain
 aspartame. Diane Fleming still remains in a prison in Virginia because 
methanol was found on her husband's autopsy and they thought she
 poisoned him even though she passed their lie detector test. Doctors 
affidavits state he died from aspartame which causes methanol poisoning. 
Athletes like Fleming are dying because aspartame damages the cardiac 
conduction system and causes sudden death, although his was not sudden.
Enough is enough. Eradicate Rumsfeld Disease from our schools and from
 our planet.
Don Harkins of the Idaho Observer has given permission to have this
 republished. To help the effort the Idaho Observer - 
publishes 24 page booklets for distribution on Rumsfeld Disease called the 
Artificially Sweetened Times. Distribute them throughout your schools, 
offices and churches to help eradicate Rumsfeld Disease. And if you 
think the pop companies didn't know the gum was loaded be sure to read 
the protest of the National Soft Drink Assn. on
Dr. Betty Martini, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway,
Duluth, Georgia 30097
            770 242-2599      
Idaho Observer
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Phone             208-255-2307      

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