Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Late Breaking News: After Calling for a Referendum on EU Bailout, Papandreou Replaces All Heads of Armed Services

Late Breaking News: After Calling for a Referendum on EU Bailout, Papandreou Replaces All Heads of Armed Services
Chiefs of staff of the Greek National Defence, Army General and Air Force have are all reported to have been fired. Greece is a NATO country, and those being appointed to the posts just vacated by Greek military leaders mostly have NATO experience. This is a totally extraordinary development, which could unfold very rapidly over the next hours.
(”I am going to take a guess here that Papandreou is going to kick out the opposition, declare Greece to be independent of the EU and tell the international bankers to go shove that 11th marble up their sphincters.- Michael Rivero)

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