Saturday, September 24, 2011

Friday Road Trip 9/23/2011
Bix Weir


Is Something BIG Planned For The End of September?

George Ure over at has pointed out that NASA employees as well as President Obama will coincidentally be in Denver on September 27th.

"As an added bonus, NASA personnel will be in Denver September 20 through 27 to participate in public outreach events throughout the city."

"President Obama to visit Colorado in late September"

And let's not forget that little FEMA exercise in Denver...

'More than 100 agencies from several different jurisdictions are taking part in a terrorism attack drill on Friday, the largest ever performed in Denver. The mock terror drill, Operation Mountain Guardian, will simulate four coordinated terrorist attacks in the Denver metro area, according to Fox31. Operation Mountain Guardian is modeled after the tragic Mumbai, India terrorist incident from Nov., 2008."

"According to 7News, the drill will be conducted in 10 different locations around the Denver metro area including:

Park Meadows Mall

Smedley Elementary School

Denver Union Station

Community College of Aurora (Lowry Campus)

Denver International Airport

Sky Ridge Medical Center

University of Colorado Hospital

Catholic Charities (NW Denver)

Sports Authority Field at Mile High

"Denver metro residents need not be alarmed by the test of regional response during a terrorist-driven catastrophic scenario which will include simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other emergency response sights and sounds throughout the day, CBSDenver reports. "

Put all of this together with the latest gold and silver slam, Blue Bankruptcy issue, the CFTC announcement of silver manipulation, the end of the US fiscal year and you've got a perfect storm of conspiratorial confluence the likes of which haven't been seen since 911!

I don't know exactly what will go down between now and the end of the year but there are warning sirens going off in every area I watch as it relates to the Road to Roota Theory.

Buckle up.

Another Delay On Ending The Computer Driven Manipulation?

Everywhere you look the regulatory pieces are being put in place to end the continued manipulation of the markets but every time you turn around it gets delayed. Here's just a few:

Volcker Rule Extension Risks Jobs?

"So, while the U.S. government has every noble intention of controlling risky businesses, materialization of the latest rumor may turn out to be a curse in disguise. So, keeping job market challenges in mind, it would be in the best interest of the country's economy at large if the regulators first define the phrase related to U.S. operations of foreign banks before finalizing the rule."

Exclusive: Watchdog backs down on commodities rules

"The U.S. futures regulator has yielded on several contentious parts of a plan to crack down on commodity speculation, marking a modest victory for banks and traders who have lobbied to limit increased market oversight."

But there is hope. First of all, it is astounding that these "rules" ever even saw the light of day. It's unheard of in the last 40 years to limit the banksters manipulation so even discussing it is a step forward. And secondly, what do you think will happen when the NEXT CRASH hits? There's no need for a delay while writing the rules because they are already here...READY TO BE IMPLEMENTED!

Here's a glimpse of the types of articles we will be reading during and after the crash:

UBS Rogue Hurts Banks' War on Rules: William D. Cohan

For years I've said that the regulators don't want to be BLAMED for the implosion but rather want to be ready to reboot the system AFTER THE CRASH.

I think the CFTC is wasting their time because once the derivative bubble implodes nobody will be left to trade those futures and options and the public won't be so happy to let these kinds of derivatives to even exist.

The world is changing fast so hunker down the best you can.

Mass Media and Ongoing Protest on Wall Street

So there has been a fairly large protest on Wall Street going on for the past month with hardly any coverage. It's amazing how "bought and paid for" the majority of our mass media is.

But there was a little break in the ranks this week with Dylan Rattigan coming out with this broadcast...

I think we will see much more of this type of discussion as the banks implode and we return to our Constitutional form of government. The change IS taking place and although it may not be fast enough for is happening.

Keep an eye on the Wall Street protest as they will grow over the next few months.

Computer Rigging FASTER Than TIME itself!

As if there was any doubt that the "Free Market" has long been dead, has posted an article showing how High Frequency Trades are happening so fast that they now can transpire BEFORE the order is even placed!

It's Official: HFT Breaks Speed-of-Light Barrier, Sets Trading Speed World Record

"On September 15, 2011, beginning at 12:48:54.600, there was a time warp in the trading of Yahoo! (YHOO) stock. HFT has reached speeds faster than time itself. Up to 190 milliseconds into the future, or 0.19 fantaseconds is the record so far. It all happened in just over one second of trading, the evidence buried under an avalanche of about 19,000 quotations and 3,000 individual trade executions. The facts of the matter are indisputable. Based on official exchange timestamps, there is unmistakable proof that YHOO trades were executed on quotes that didn't exist until 190 milliseconds later!"

I have written about this many times in the past. COMPUTER PROGRAMED TRADING MUST BE BANNED!

This is the key to taking back our FREE MARKETS and until it is banned "they" will be behind the curtain pulling the strings of the market manipulation.

The Silent Radioactive Killer


Fukushima was bad...REALLY BAD. The government is not telling you how bad it was but it is NOT over. Radioactive particles are floating around in the atmosphere and poisoning us little by little. Here's the latest.

And not only this but now we have another potential disaster headed for the same area.

Typhoon buffets Tokyo, heads toward tsunami zone

I wish I had a better prognosis for our future but it's not looking good. Hopefully, we can return to a gold and silver standard and wipe-out all the debt before we have to deal with all the other non-financial issues that are headed our way.

Or should I say..."May the Road we walk on remain below our feet!"

A Discussion On The Post CRASH Plans

So on that cheery note I'm posting a recent letter from Ben Fulford's website which discusses the coming changes and some of the things that are being planned for the post-crash economic system. Who knows if any of it will come to pass...

Subject: Questions and concerns

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:58:58 -0500


Thank you for your information and quest along with the hope that it brings with it. I only have a few concerns and a questions for you.

The placement of Japanese soldiers on American soil which Obama approved, on which you recently reported, is somewhat alarming to me. Please excuse my naivety and paranoia, but I wish to know what his motives and intentions are for doing this. Your report seemed to me to be a bit too brief and, since you offered little explanation in this small article, I have been left to assume that it should not be seen as overly alarming. On the contrary, whenever he does or says anything, I have been conditioned through experience that it is a step in the wrong direction. I am hoping that this movement, even though it is unconstitutionally sound, is a part of the movement towards a correction of the economy and military standing of the U.S. through the execution of the WDS plan. If, as you stated, that "US and Russian military and law enforcement apparati have agreed to support the new financial system", should this move, consequently, be considered a building of forces against the U.S. military and/or U.S. citizens or have I missed something? Please expound upon this if you can.

Also, I have been under the impression that the purpose of these banks, politicians, and their respective "elite" rulers was to create a One World Order and single currency. While I do understand that this secret society which is committed to undermine these plans and bring about peace and a higher standard of living for every real human being on earth it, nevertheless, appears that these actions and plans are striving for the similar, if not the same, outcome. Additionally, the "cooperation" of a Rothschild (exemplified by his wanting to name the new currency the Hong Kong dollar as stated in one of your earlier reports), if you will excuse my language, scares the hell out of me. If you can, please help relieve my fears that we are not being duped and betrayed. I, personally, would not want to underestimate their deviousness and resolve in their ability to adapt their plan to accommodate their own, and already-proven, wicked ideals. With the bad influences which are still present on the planet, would it be completely out of the question that the sovereignty of the individual nations could still be recognized once the corruption has been, at least substantially so, removed? Again, if you could explain in more detail the purpose and intended outcome of the WDS plan, I would really appreciate it.

I can see the implementation of a large internationally mutual project being an effective bridging of foreign relations, such as that of NAWAPA (proposed by Lyndon LaRouche). The LaRouche PAC team and I do not quite see eye to eye on everything (they do not endorse my support of Ron Paul, stating that they think his views on the correction of the monetary system as being "unconstitutional", citing instead a Hamiltonian credit-based system as their one and only solution, as opposed to a gold backed monetary system. I believe this is because this credit system would be the only way they could see the NAWAPA Project being expediently fundable. Just my suspicion, mind you, and I am not completely unresponsive to their Hamiltonian credit system, I merely choose to direct my efforts, at this time, towards a more viable and immediate solution, with that being the possibility of Ron Paul becoming President in the next election) but I only wish to pursue workable solutions for the benefit of mankind, and thus, I do promote NAWAPA. If you are not aware of it already, please check it out. It is a very interesting and promising mega-infrastructural project designed to provide water, power, transportation and fertile land to areas of the world which are currently lacking it.

Please provide this poor soul with a morsel of hope.

Again, I thank you for the hope which you have provided already.




Dear Chris,

The plan to place Japanese soldiers on US soil was aimed at appeasing the Japanese government by offering to trade some of their vast Treasury holdings for something tangible, a military base. It certainly unconstitutional from a US standpoint but at least I can assure you there is no possible scenario in which I could envision these troops being used to put Americans into prison camps. They are there to prevent Japanese factories from being looted.

The White Dragon Society does not have a detailed plan at present. Instead we are trying first of all to prevent a genocide of 4-5 billion people planned by the elite. After that we wish the world's savings to be spent on things like ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction instead of on endless, pointless wars. Then humanity can enter a new era by peacefully and responsibly developing all the suppressed technology.

Any new financial system has to be firmly linked to physical reality. That means no currency can be created until somebody harvests a crop or carves a sculpture or creates something real to back it with. Freedom of the press is also essential to prevent corruption.

Finally, my own view is the system of government we need is meritocracy. Democracy has degenerated into mob rule. In meritocracy anybody can climb to the top of the pyramid if they are determined to do so and are competent enough.

The military government that is coming in the US is not going to put people into Fema camps, it is merely going to preside over a clean up of the corruption in Washington and Wall St. before returning to civilian rule.

As Bob Dylan once sang...
"The times they are a changing!"

See ya next week!


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