Is Senator Rick Santorum the New Neo Con Flavor of the Week?
Tue Jan 03 2012 14:23
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What a joke. The former Pennsylvania had more time to speak in the debates then Ron Paul. I wonder were this surge is coming from? Is it another media fabricated illusion to deflect the rising popularity of Ron Paul. Mr Bomb any nation that might be a threat that has never attacked us. How is selling more wars giving him a surge in the polls? I wonder were is the money coming from to fund his campaign? He is not getting record contributions from the military.
The republican party is running out of flavors of the week. Michelle Bachman says God tells her this or that, who cheated the Iowa Straw poll. Herman Cain who was a former Kansas city Federal Reserve Chairman who had extra marital affairs crashed and burned. Mitt Romney has no fire to woo the voters. Rick Perry was exposed for forcing teen girls in Texas to take shots that were proven unsafe was politically destroyed. Newt has been exposed for his serial hypocrisy playing both sides of the issues. So now they are bringing forth the new flavor of the week and that is war loving Senator Rick Santorum. This one term Senator is just the same old flavor with some sprinkles on top.
They are running out of losers to prop up as a front runner. There is no top tier candidate besides Ron Paul. Ron Paul made Rick Santorum look like a fool calling the loser Senator on his flawed foreign policy. Rick Santorum rating will drop like a stone like the other neo cons have fallen in election cycle. It is too late to bring in Jeb Bush, Chris Cristi or Mitch Daniels. John Huntsmen is no style to be the flavor of the week. They are running out of stooges. Ron Paul will be the last man standing when it is all said and done. We have the momentum now. Let use it to our advantage.
The republican party is running out of flavors of the week. Michelle Bachman says God tells her this or that, who cheated the Iowa Straw poll. Herman Cain who was a former Kansas city Federal Reserve Chairman who had extra marital affairs crashed and burned. Mitt Romney has no fire to woo the voters. Rick Perry was exposed for forcing teen girls in Texas to take shots that were proven unsafe was politically destroyed. Newt has been exposed for his serial hypocrisy playing both sides of the issues. So now they are bringing forth the new flavor of the week and that is war loving Senator Rick Santorum. This one term Senator is just the same old flavor with some sprinkles on top.
They are running out of losers to prop up as a front runner. There is no top tier candidate besides Ron Paul. Ron Paul made Rick Santorum look like a fool calling the loser Senator on his flawed foreign policy. Rick Santorum rating will drop like a stone like the other neo cons have fallen in election cycle. It is too late to bring in Jeb Bush, Chris Cristi or Mitch Daniels. John Huntsmen is no style to be the flavor of the week. They are running out of stooges. Ron Paul will be the last man standing when it is all said and done. We have the momentum now. Let use it to our advantage.
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